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Death Guard Side Project


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In an attempt to work through my painting backlog, I have started working on a Death Guard force as a side project to break up painting my Crimson Fists. Originally they were going to be an add-on to my Black Legion. Due to a gap in the hobby, much of what I purchased was with previous ‘dex in mind so I could both expand my Black Legion and start a Death Guard force too (I really miss the option of god specific Daemons in a CSM army along with Cult Terminators).


By setting aside models from my Black Legion I have enough to make a reasonable sized force of Death Guard as well as add on to my Black Legion.

I have a couple of questions:

1) I am thinking of using Possessed as my core assault unit, possibly two units between 7-10 strong. I have never used Possessed myself so I was wondering – how effective are they? At present only one unit is already assembled (originally for my Black Legion). Would I better using the parts for the second unit to convert Chosen or could a pair of Possessed units work well. My Black Legion have had some success with Bezerkers but I want to keep this project in the Death Guard theme which to me means Nurgle only.

2) Would a squad size of 7 be effective for Plague Marines? I like background most of all so using the sacred number as part of the Nurgle theme is appealing. I know Plague Marines are much more resilient than standard marines, but I am used to fielding 10 man squads.

3) I haven’t played for a while so I am quite rusty, would a infantry based force be viable or would I be better including a couple of Rhino’s. I also have a spare Land Raider.


I am working on army list at present toying with different ideas but I have the following available either specifically purchased with a Nurgle theme in mind or from my Black Legion which were never painted or are awaiting paint. I will not be buying anything more so this is it as far as my options go:

• Typhus

• 1 Plastic Terminator Lord Kit

• 1 Nurgle Daemon Prince

• 1 Great Unclean One

• 1 Forgeworld Nurgle Dreadnought with TLLC and DCCW

• 5 Terminators with Forge World conversion pack

• 20 Possessed (7 assembled and primed, the rest unassembled)

• Approx 30 Plague Marines

• 21 Plaguebearers (7 painted)

• 1 Land Raider

• 1 Vindicator

• 2 Defilers (1 assembled and primed)

• 2 Rhino’s

• 5 Bikers and 5 Raptors (though these don’t really fit with a DG theme for me so these will stay Black Legion I think)


Any advice on list building with Nurgle in mind would also be appreciated. I play more for fun and with background in mind than competition but that does not mean I want to get swept off the table. I have used the same list with my Black Legion for a long time so I know it – but this means I haven’t really tried quite a few units including Plague Marines, Possessed, Chosen and Terminators. I ultimately aim towards 1500-1850 pts but everything I have will eventually be painted either for this or my Black Legion.

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Welcome to the Nurgle forums. Death Guard is all I've ever played, so I'll do what I can to answer your questions.


1) Sadly, Possessed are not viable. As their Daemonkin rule is rolled after deployment, one cannot be certain even how to deploy them. Do you deploy with Scout in mind (do you give them a Rhino to take better advantage of that?), do you deploy as backup melee for a squad with most of the other options in mind, or do you deploy them as objective campers in cover with FnP? You can never know.


Given their points, Berserkers are always a better pick. You get consistent melee with them that you don't get with Possessed (plus, pistol shots, and usually a Fist).


The only instance I think Possessed work is in a five-man squad in a very big points game (3000+). They can maneuver their way around the field without getting as much attention that way, aren't a big points loss if they do get targeted, and have a chance of helping out as the elite melee squad they're supposed to be.


The models are so good, and a lot of people have mixed their bits in with CSM to bulk up their troops. I kept them as is, so hopefully they're better in the new 'dex once that comes along.


2) Seven happens to be Nurgle's preferred number, and happily, it remains an ideal size for a Plague squad. You get two special weapons troops, a champ with PF, and the rest basic troops. Works out well, and they're still hard as nails. You can go down to 6, taking out the champ, if you're using them as objective campers, too.


3) Chaos needs their Rhinos right now. Especially in a DG army, since PMs with meltas are your front line. They need to get where they're going quickly. An all infantry list is too slow and painful to play. With the Landraider, you can have a nice core in a 2000+ pt army with the LR and three-ish Rhinos. Pack the LR with Berserkers, flamer PMs, or cheap melee Termies, have two melta PM squads and one plasma squad in the Rhinos, and you're set (with Daemon Princes hanging around, of course).

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