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The Long War has many battles...

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Hi all.


Know No Fear - the much anticipated novel, that Im sure no one can wait for (I know Im definitely looking forward to it), centres around one of the most brutal and historic battles in 40k lore. And its got me thinking, theres been an endless number of Chaos related skirmishes, wars and battles throughout the history of 40k that have been written or referenced on the pages of White Dwarf, Black Library novels, Index Astartes articles, Codex' or other means, and I was wanting to know which are your favourites and why?


I will kick things off, and funnily enough one of my favourite battles is the one I referenced earlier:-


(There could be possible spoilers, so be warned! And dont forget, Chaos related battles only.)


Name of engagement: The Battle of Calth


Description of engagement: Set during the Horus Heresy. Kor Phaeron spearheads an invasion of the Ultramar system, in an attempt to not only stall the Ultramarines from reinforcing Terra, but to also destroy Roboute Guilliman's Legion completely!

The Word Bearers, reinforced by millions of Cultists and Daemons, unleashed a savage surface assault on the world of Calth. The battle was devastating and horrific in equal measure, battering the Ultramarines to the point of near utter submission. The Word Bearers were on the brink of victory, only to be hit by a critical counter from reinforcements from Macragge which eventually drove away Kor Phaeron and his bitter Legion.

In the aftermath, three planets were completely destroyed and Calth was left an empty husk of a world. Calth's atmosphere had burned away and was left an airless void.


Why it is your favourite: It is one of my favourite Chaos battles because it features my favourite Legion, Word Bearers. I like the animosity and ignorance of the Word Bearers in how they went about the invasion too. I mean, the Word Bearers felt betrayed and useless and wanted revenge in the most extreme way possible by invading their hated enemies' home system. Not only that but declaring that they will destroy the Ultramarines completely too - a true testament to how badass the Word Bearers are.



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after decimating other legions EC rule suprem in the eye of terror . they clone horus take resources from other legions driving even cult forces away. Abadon renames and restructures the sons of horus , starts en mass demonic possession [which unlike possessed of other legions dont die after a short time] , destroys the EC gene stronhold and burns the horus clones . Legion wars is the part of the timeline I like most for chaos . it is what makes them each of the legion . ahrimans rubric , tyfus seccesion , the EC/WE break up , the rise and fall of the EC dominance , death of the Cruz and the end of "pure" NL philosophy.etc awesome stuff
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I've been a fan of the battle of Tallarn. Wiping out an entire planet's ecosystem and then fighting the largest armored battle ever on the ruined wasteland that was left sound like a fun way to spend an afternoon.



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Though it hasn't been expanded upon yet (please BL!!), the delaying tactics that the Alpha Legion used against the White Scars on Tallarn and the Vlka Fenryka on Yarant induce visions of Sons of the Khan being sniped off their bikes; and Wolves getting their throats cut in the shadows, their bodies dragged into the dark woods... ^_^
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Though it hasn't been expanded upon yet (please BL!!), the delaying tactics that the Alpha Legion used against the White Scars on Tallarn and the Vlka Fenryka on Yarant induce visions of Sons of the Khan being sniped off their bikes; and Wolves getting their throats cut in the shadows, their bodies dragged into the dark woods... :tu:

Dear ruinous powers, make BL write this book, and make it be written by a good author!!!


Battle of Eskrador


The Alpha Legion battle the Ultramarines, and is "defeated" when girlyman uses non-Ultramarine tactics against them. Girlyman battles "Alpharius" and kills him, but the Ultra force is decimated and they are chased off the planet...


The reason why I like this battle isn't the fact that "Alpharius" dies in it or even the battle in itself, it's the fact that in true AL fashion, the whole thing is shrouded in mystery! Did girlyman kill Alpharius? Was it Omegon? Was it someone else? Did the whole battle even take place?


The information about the battle mainly comes from an inquisitor named Kravin, who after devoting himself to researching the Alpha Legion, now has "disappeared"... The information's authenticity is questioned by both the Ultramarines(who apparently has no proper records of it themselves) and the Inquisition...


...typical Alpha Legion misinformation! ;)

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Signus Prime, mainly cause of it's the BA focus, but also wondering if any traitor legion is involved as, as far as I know, it's directly against warp-spawned entities.


Also, as there seems to be concieved match-ups between those still following the Emp's guiding light and the deluded i.e Ultra's vs WB/Alpha's, Wolves vs T Sons, Fist's vs IW, DA vs NL etc, that could it be World-Eaters seeing as Khornate daemon's have a thing for angelic blood?



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The Drop Site Masacre,


Simply because it was speaheaded by Ferrus Manus, a testament to how even the non specific primarchs wishd to eradicate their brothers on the field of battle. If the Drop site masacre was the first mass astartee engagement where Ferrus Lead the assault he would of surely won the conflict if not for the treachery of the other turncoat reinforcements.


The idea of Ferrus confronting Horus in one on one combat.......awsome B)

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The Iron Cage. 'Nuff said.

The Iron Cage is definitely another fave of mine too.


- The.Latros.Sacrum

It was one of my favorite until I read the Imperial Fists version of the event...

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Do tell...

Well, since GW apparently decided that Chaos wasn't allowed to have big and important victories, the fists came out better than they went in...


It was Dorn's decision that the Legion would symbolically enter into the pain glove together and emerge according to the Codex Astartes. This opportunity presented itself in the battle that became known as The Iron Cage. The Imperial Fists had largely dismantled the Iron Warriors empire in their campaigns immediately after the Heresy. Upon discovering the Eternal Fortress, a twenty square mile fortress constructed by the Iron Warriors, Dorn, fuelled by his enmity towards Perturabo, committed the entire Legion to its assault.


Yet, the Imperial Fists endured and the Iron Warriors were unable to finish them, lacking the faith to make the ultimate sacrifice that victory demanded. The Ultramarines then intervened, driving off the traitors.


Cleansed by their sacrifice, the Imperial Fists immediately began their reorganisation with the fully hardened, veteran force that remained.


So not only was it a conscious choice by Dorn to sacrifice much of his own legion to the iron cage, but also the whole thing helped prepare the legion for it's "codexification". When you read it from IF:s PoV it doesn't sound that negative...

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So not only was it a conscious choice by Dorn to sacrifice much of his own legion to the iron cage, but also the whole thing helped prepare the legion for it's "codexification". When you read it from IF:s PoV it doesn't sound that negative...

WHAT!!!??? This is Heresy, even by the standards of Chaos! It was a magnificant Iron Warriors victory ultimately, not this garbage!



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What do we care of the stories that the minions of the false emperor tell themselves in order to sleep better?

We know the truth. Of Dorn's pitiful struggles in the trenches, of his need to be rescued by his brother.

How he was forced to leave the wounded and dead behind, the geneseed abandoned to the Iron warriors.

How the gods rewarded Petrabo's victory with ascension to deamon-hood.

let them whisper stories as they huddle in the dark.

We know the Truth. ;)

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What do we care of the stories that the minions of the false emperor tell themselves in order to sleep better?

We know the truth. Of Dorn's pitiful struggles in the trenches, of his need to be rescued by his brother.

How he was forced to leave the wounded and dead behind, the geneseed abandoned to the Iron warriors.

How the gods rewarded Petrabo's victory with ascension to deamon-hood.

let them whisper stories as they huddle in the dark.

We know the Truth. :)

Well said, Brother! As a Bearer of the Word, we certainly know the real Truth!



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The Drop Site Masacre


I agree. Horus prepared trap on the planet Isstvan V was sweet. The loyalists near eradication meant that fewer could defend Terra.


And of course Horus fight with the Emperor.

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