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Death Shadows LPC Vow

Brother Scythe

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So I agreed to do the LPC to motivate my Chaos. I have "four" Chaos Armies (Death Shadows Renegades, World Eaters, Slaanesh Daemons [My Girlfriends actually] and a traitor IG army [of undecided devotion])


I chose to work on my Death Shadows first as they are really unique and something I can craft as I see fit. I made a vow to complete the following;

6 Chosen

13 Chaos Space Marines (Squad of 6 and Squad of 7)


Chaos Spawn


The army was going to be 500 for an Escalation League, but plans changed so I changed with them and the list no longer is capped at 500 points so the Chosen will get some fun toys. I may even add extras as I build them to keep me motivated.


As you can imagine the list is not "competitive" but it is for fun. My own fluff is that children taken by the Death Shadows (and there are a lot taken as the Chapter lost a lot of men between Ultramar and the Tyranids in the official fluff) but who don't take to the organs/chaos manipulation are volunteered to serve as Spawn for the chapters wars. So I will include a Spawn or two in my lists for fluff. My squads also aren't optimized as each squad (or Strike) will have a chosen theme and will run with it. So prepare to see evil fluffy death bunny list.


The story for my Chaos Space Marines is one of a random purchase. A younger gamer (whose father owns a LGS) purchased almost $1500 of Chaos (retail) in that time he glued, painted and trashed the army horribly. However always a patron for lost causes when he mentioning he would sell everything for $150 I was hooked. That many models even in their condition would be a hell of a project and if pulled off would look amazing. So I purchased it. After some humming and hawing I sold the Nurgle contingent for $250 as is (Wow I made money) and reinvested the $100 into some new Space Wolves and a box of Chaos Marines for spare parts. I then decided on the Death Shadows some months later and purchased a Dark Angels Veteran boxset and some bits from Hoard O Bits (great site) I then recently got another $1400 worth of models for an old army of Warmachine. These were glued better, but were painted layer after layer. As such between the two I had enough forces for 2500 of World Eaters (which I may build and play or fix, build up and sell) and roughly 4000 Death Shadows (counting for model deaths that were to far gone to be saved)


So here is my first "WiP Update" for my Vow.




This summer upon buying the first bunch. Insane I know.




Some of the models take "the plunge" to join my ranks.




Some early WiP shots. These models are just Basic CSMs. They will be decked out and primed soon. The problem is apparently no one ever took off a mold line....oh well that's what I paid for right.


Well now check back this weekend for another exciting update. I may use some of them out in a "leak 6th" battle against a friend. Oh and also taking off every horn and topknot is hard work for an army. Fluffwise they use stealth and terror. A CSM is to me a fearsome enough creature. And horns and topknots scream unstealthy so they went chop chop. (Plus I hate the look of most horns and all Topknots on the models.)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Exciting indeed. What paint scheme you going with? I forget what the Death Shadows look like....


Guessing on the colors but:


Codex Grey/Chaos black (1:1) armor with Shadow Grey pads, gauntlets and Helmet, red eye lenses. All of the official models have them wearing Dangle Bathrobes (usually that dark grey).


Also totally agree with the Horn and Topknot thing.

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