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Contemptors and Dreadclaws.

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Don't know about the Dreadclaw but I see no reason why a Contemptor could not use a Stormraven in an army that is allowed to use 'Ravens. The transport capacity includes "one dreadnought" and, as far as I know, the Contemptor is a dreadnought.
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All Contemptors are Dreadnoughts; not all Dreadnoughts are Contemptors. Ergo, anything that allows/disallows Dreadnoughts will allow/disallow Contemptors.

You lost me on this one. :P

I think to clearify that you are saying a Contemptor dread is classified as a "dreadnought", but not all dreadnoughts would be considered a "Contemptor". is this correct. But since a SR would be able to transport a dread that a contemptor would be able to transport with the SR.

I hope so because I'm buying one just for that reason.

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I think to clearify that you are saying a Contemptor dread is classified as a "dreadnought", but not all dreadnoughts would be considered a "Contemptor". is this correct.

Exactly. :cry: There are Dreadnoughts, and then there are Contemptor Dreadnoughts. Both kinds are Dreadnoughts.

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Its a type of Dreadnaught- there is no reason it cant fit in a stormraven.


Just because it fits, doesn't mean it's allowed in...

I don't have the rules for a Storm Raven here so I don't know what they say though...

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Its a type of Dreadnaught- there is no reason it cant fit in a stormraven.


Just because it fits, doesn't mean it's allowed in...

I don't have the rules for a Storm Raven here so I don't know what they say though...


The question has already been answered. Stormravens allow 1 dreadnought. A Contemptor is a dreadnought. It is allowed.

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Its a type of Dreadnaught- there is no reason it cant fit in a stormraven.


Its true then - "If in doubt - Grey Mage".


Meh. I got there 5 hours before him






Must have been a long wait...seriously though thankyou and sorry for the oversight.


/thanks + 10.

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Its a type of Dreadnaught- there is no reason it cant fit in a stormraven.


Just because it fits, doesn't mean it's allowed in...

I don't have the rules for a Storm Raven here so I don't know what they say though...


Its odd, but here we go:


The Stormraven can carry two separate squads: one unit of up to 12 models in its cabin, plus a single Dreadnought in its rear grapples....


There are four different types of Dreadnaught in C:BA. Unless someone is willing to argue that venerable dreads, death company dreads and Furiosos are somehow also not dreadnaughts I think the case is fairly cut and dry. Heck, Bjorn Fellhanded is a dreadnaught- and he doesnt even have dreadnaught in his name. *shrugs*

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