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Malakim Phoros


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As i have got bored of red-black-gold, i started playing with the idea of having small lamentres frce included into my BA. Therefore i made last night the Malakim Phoros model ...


question is how you run this guy ? I was thinking 7 DC guys with Th plus Lemartes and Malakim...Or whit his personal Hg. How do you run this guy, brothers?


On the other hand, bit of fluff questionbwould ever the yellow guys join their red ancestors ?


~Thank you, BT

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Fluff-wise, the Lamenters have been particularly reclusive in regards to their interaction with other BA's. They also seem to have the most terrible luck following them about...

That being said, it's doubtable that anyone who you'd play with would know this, so go for it. Plus, there's always SOME situation that might cause the estranged sons of Sanguinius to return to the fold.

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I built a model of our esteemed Lord of Ruin and used him in a team game recently. I ran him in a razorback with an honour guard and they were sufficiently choppy. It was merely unfortunate that the opponent made no less than 10 of his 5+ terminator invulnerable saves (10 man squad with chaplain) and ended up wiping the unit. He is an expensive HQ, but I think he adds a lot of flavor to an army.
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As requested!






I'm trying to decide if I should file off the BA icons or leave them as a nod to the parent chapter heraldry. I'm also still working on my mustard yellow recipe for Lamenters yellow, but that's turning out to be a bit more difficult than I first anticipated.

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There are some instances of the Lamenters working alongside their brother chapters; I believe in the "all BA successors gear up for Final Battle" bit in the codex, the Lamenters are mentioned. Presumably there would be some others, as they're described as being reclusive as opposed to outright shunning their brethren.


Yellow is a tough color to paint, especially if you're priming black. Iyanden Darksun, the Foundation paint, can be very helpful in this regard, but even with its help you're going to need to fiddle around a bit to try and get smooth-looking layers.


Rulewise, I'm pretty unimpressed by Malakim; he's not exactly cheap and his gear is okay (Artificer, Glaive, Inferno Pistol), but his special rules are kinda bad. Rage is a terrible rule, and having it forced on him and his unit once he's wounded is extremely limiting. Making a unit Fearless and rerolling enemy morale in combat just aren't worth it compared to taking an HQ who is actually good at fighting (Sanguinor, Mephiston, Astaroth) or provide utility (Dante, Librarian.) Add in the fact that he can't have a jump pack and has no real place in a mechanized list and... well, I just don't like him.


If you are going to run him, I would try throwing him into a squad in a Rhino or Drop Pod, something that will get him into combat near the enemy relatively quickly; ideally, you want him in a unit that will be able to get into and win melee fights anyways.

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There are some instances of the Lamenters working alongside their brother chapters; I believe in the "all BA successors gear up for Final Battle" bit in the codex, the Lamenters are mentioned. Presumably there would be some others, as they're described as being reclusive as opposed to outright shunning their brethren.

I think they're mentioned as having not responded. Or maybe I'm thinking of Swallow's Dante calling for BA successors...

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They didn't respond to Dante's call. And to be honest who can blame them they are on a crusade of redemption and at the end of the Badab War they had been badly beaten and had less than 311 battle brothers and Phoros unaccounted for.


I contempted running him when I started running lementers (until I stopped as my yellows are to crap to use and checkers annoy me to do) as he is very fun and useful and he gives the Blood Angels a 3rd Chapter Master Character to use. The only thing I dont like is his Rage Unto Death Special rule. Being one of the cheaper heroes the Angels can use he is very useful for the gear he has- I would of like Eternal Warrior but then he'd be more Dante's cost in points.


I'd say run him with an honour guard squad or a regular ASM squad without jumpacks and a priest (maybe a Recluisarch/Chaplain) in a land raider redeemer or crusader.


Thats just me though depends on points and what you have.



Maybe if he had the option to take a jump pack he could/would of been even more useful- could Deepstrike him in with a Sanguinary Guard squad, Preist and possibly a chaplain or a Librarian with Shield of Sanguinius for a nice cover save against all those nasty weapons. Land next to a tank melta pistol it make the units in side get pinned or sit in difficult terrain then assault them the next turn.


Ninja Edit: Grammar

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  • 2 weeks later...

Used malakim a couple of times today as a friend and myself are attending the badab war Weekend. He's not too bad, he does have to be shoe horned Into a Mech list somewhat but if you can get him in combat without taking a wound, he'll do a fair bit of damage. I ran him with honour guard, the chapter banner helped bump his damage out put a bit and once he was wounded he did tear through a termie squad.


The problem is he is essentialy a slightly jazzy captain in an army where captains are lacking a proper place. Dante works because he has great synergy with descent of angels. Malakim is useless in a jump pack army and is a pain to fit into Mech. I enjoyed using him though so I wouldn't say write him off.

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