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lpc complete


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I, Hezekiel of the Dark Angels, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least one veteran squad on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.
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  • 1 month later...

Hello All,


Just a quick update on my vow...


I have been very busy with work of late, so have not had much time to spend on it but as time is now getting short i had best get on with it!!!


Apologies in advance for the quality of the pictures.http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/2929/170ry.th.jpg


I have begun assembly..http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/231/171yo.jpg[/img]


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I hope to get some base coating done today at least, but will try and get as much done as possible.

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Ok here is my update, i have gave this a go, and i think i am around 80 percent done(ish).


Please be kind as this (when completed) will be my first ever squad that i have painted, i am however loving doing it!


I should be 100 percent complete by monday.




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Fanstastic effort Hezekiel :tu: especially for your first squad.


Get them finished to a standard you are happy with and call it vow complete, then go back and add any other bits or improvements later.


CnC: I'd wash the robes with Devlan Mud, hold the model upside down to get it to flow into the recesses properly.


I'm glad you enjoy the process, it makes painting less of a chore and more of a hobby in itself.



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Do you want to see my first ever squad? The correct answer here is: No, I like my retinas just like they are now thank you very much! :lol:


Excellent Hezekiel! This is a very decent lookin squad you got there! Do what Stobz said ( if you have "Devlan Mud" lying around) and it would even better!


I'll update your status and can't wait for the finished stuff on Monday (or earlier for that matter)!

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Thanks very much Stobz and Semper, it was always a bit of a risk doing my first squad for the lpc as i would have to show my first baby steps in painting!


I have ordered some Devlan mud (thanks for the tip!), i will get them" complete" this weekend( mud wash will have to wait until the middle of the week) but have a feeling i will be tweaking them for quite some time.


Hopefully everyone will get over the game line and the DA will come out on top!





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I, Hezekiel of the Dark Angels, have completed my vow !


I hope all from our chapter will honour the lion and complete their vow's.!





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I would have liked to have done a mud wash for the robes, but as i have not got any at the moment and time is running out i will have to be satisfied with how they are for now.

Overall has been fun to do this challenge, and now i have popped my painting cherry look forward to painting/ collecting the rest of my fledgling army.


Good Luck to all still working on their vow's.



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Well, hats-off to you sir! You said you gonna do it and you didi it! Squad looks very tidy and certainly a good basis for your new army (for which we await further pics :confused:)! Excellent stuff!


Congratulations for finishing your vow and reporting it to the official thread! Now it's time to collect - put the "Vow Complete" badge on! You deserve it!

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Damned good effort for a first squad. Well done hezekile and keep up the good work. Take Stobz's advice on the washes. Devlan Mud and badab Black washes are you erstwhile allies. I only discovered the virtues of washes last year during the 2011 LPC after 13 years in to the hobby!!! :sweat: :confused: You've done pretty well!



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Simply copy and paste this into your 'Edit Signature' panel on your profile as an image (it'll get type tags then)




Don't forget to post in the official LPC thread too, they need to know for our stats.



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Click HERE then paste the code below into the Signature box and click the Update My Signature button. Hopefully that link should work.


It should come out like this...


Edit - Hezekiel you should change the code to the updated code above (it now links to your thread rather than mine. whoops), or simply change the ?showtopic=246102 bit to ?showtopic=246493. I pasted the code and forgot to alter the thread/topic code to redirect to your thread. Sorry for the mix-up. :confused:

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  Stobz said:
Simply copy and paste this into your 'Edit Signature' panel on your profile as an image (it'll get type tags then)




Don't forget to post in the official LPC thread too, they need to know for our stats.



Pretty sure i did Stobz, gave them a link to the thread too. ;)


Thanks also Mad Doc as you can see linky worked B)

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  Cactus said:
Congratulations on completing your vow and your first ever painted unit Hezekial. I'm glad you enjoyed the experience. I only just noticed the lightning effect on the power fist. Love it! :tu:


What's next on the painting table?


Thanks Mate!


I think the next project will be a DW squad

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  Flint&Steel said:
Looks good, but:


Try if you can get rid of that overspill on the base, and

see if you can base the other marines too.


Getting them based, and painting the baselip in 1 uniform colour really ties in the whole group, and, eventually, your whole army.


Thanks Flint, if you see the last pics above, i have painted all the base's the same colour and added grass and sand to all.


Next time i will try something different for the bases maybe some stone?





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