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Assaults at different Initiatives


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This has come up a couple times now is some of the games I've played in my group:


A squad of assaulty marines (or whatever you like) with a killy IC attached charges some enemy where the IC is at a higher initiative and does his blows first. The fighty IC lands some good hits, with a power weapon say, and the enemy unit has to take a bunch of models out before the next initiative. Now it's happened that sometimes that IC will kill enough of the enemy that when my opponent removes the models, none are left in B2B with the rest of the squad that assaulted.


Our group is curious as to what happens then. Is the rest of the charging squad considered to be not engaged anymore, and so can't commit any attacks to the enemy unit? This would also mean that the enemy can no longer direct attacks at the squad that charged them too, correct?


I made a set of simple diagrams to illustrate my point.


1)Red Squad with I5 and attached Dark IC with I6 charge Green Squad with I3:




2)Dark IC converts 5 unsaved wounds at I6, and player controlling Green Squad removes 5 models at his discretion, which happen to be all the models that are in B2B with the rest of Red Squad:




3)Now, with the diagram below, who is left that can actually make attacks according to the rules:




Our group seems unsure. The diagram makes me think that now that all the models that were in B2B with Red Squad have been removed, Red Squad's Initiative is skipped totally since there are no more eligible models, and we'd goto I3, and Green Squad could still strike back, but only with as many models as can be determined to be engaged with Dark IC, and only directed against the IC, not the rest of Red Squad.


Would you rules gurus say this to be correct? Or ??? Profit???

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You continue resolving combat as normal. The determination of what models are engaged comes before any models are removed as casualties and all engaged models fight - whether or not they are currently in BtB with an enemy model. (BRB, Pg.35)
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You continue resolving combat as normal. The determination of what models are engaged comes before any models are removed as casualties and all engaged models fight - whether or not they are currently in BtB with an enemy model. (BRB, Pg.35)

Basically this. Every model that is still alive when its initiative is reached attacks as normal on the enemy unit(s) that it was found to be engaged with at the start of the assault.

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