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New Guy!


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Hey guys I thought this would be a great place to get a lot of info so I wanted to see what you guys had to say.


First Ill tell ya a little about my situation. I am totally new to the world of 40K. Ive always been a geek with geek friends and as such Ive seen the game around but never gotten into it. My roomate used to work for GW over in England and is CRAZY about 40K so he has infected me. I have read a few books and talked to him quite a bit as well as reading these forums for a few days now. So Ive got some basic understanding and an idea of what I want to do. That being said I am open to suggestions and tips about every aspect of the game.


I am intrigued by the Iron Warriors. They seem like the type of army I could get really into. I enjoy the heavy metal meticulous siege mentality. That is the approach I take to most RTS games Ive played.


I am planning a trip to the local GW store this weekend to buy minis and such to start my new army. Any suggestions on what I might want to pick up to start me on my way?


My roomate is talking about 500 point armies to start. I would hate to go buy minis that I wont use later as I expand my army though.


Feel free to ask any questions or post any tips hints or advice you think I might find useful. I will try to check back here often and answer any questions or ask new ones as the need may be.

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Hello and welcome to Warhammer 40K!, please say goodbye to your free money and time it is now a thing of the past. ;P


500 points gives you very little wiggle-room when constructing a force to begin playing with. It's not a bad thing by any means, but you won't have many shiny toys or very complex games in that point range. Flipside is that will make it easier for you to learn the game, rules, and paint the army as you build upon it.


I'm guessing you are using the Force Org Chart (FOC) so you will need 1 HQ and 2 TR to play normal missions. Hopefully others give some replies so you can pick and choose what you like, but here's what I would do.



Chaos Lord in Power Armor. Mark of Nurgle (MoN), Power Fist, Comb-Melta.


Buy the Chaos Space Marine Iron Warrior Warsmith for this model. He's not actually a Nurgle-worshipper in my mind, but the Mark of Nurgle actually represents the cybernetics and other various enhancements he has made upon his armor and body (Iron Within, Iron Without!) and gives you a decent multi-dimensional HQ that can hide in with the rest of his troopers.


The points spent on him could instead be spent on a Daemon Prince if you would rather go the monstrous creature route, and you could get him some decent kit like the MoN and Wings for the same cost. At lower point games DP's can be really nasty, and give you a lot more speed and hitting power in your lists. I'm not a huge fan of them at higher point games as they seem to have a very-short life span compared to other HQ's. Some people I know swear by them, especially the Lash-lovers (a Slaanesh psychic power), but just not my playstyle.


Two units of 05 Plague Marines with 01 Meltagun each, riding in Rhinos with extra armor.


Second verse, same as the first. Instead of being infected by the Plague Lord, these are just Iron Warrior troopers that have been heavily enhanced and have the toughness, and lowered speed, to show for it. You could buy one box of Chaos Space Marines and one Iron Warrior Upgrade Set (which gives you enough for 5, so just split them - 3 in one group, 2 in the other) if you want to get fancy with them.


The Lord, 2x5 Marine squads, and 2xRhinos brings you up to 495 points.


Edit: However, transports are pretty expensive in this game (In real world cash) and a pair of Rhinos to start off with may be a little too expensive for your taste. If that's the case you can just beef up the Marine squads to a slightly larger size, kit out the Lord with more expensive gear, etc..., etc...


Or just ask to borrow two Rhinos from a friend while you game until you can get your own.

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I think the safest & most cost effective way to start is to get


x2 boxes of 10 Chaos Space Marines (CSMs)

x1 Chaos Rhinos

x1 Chaos Daemon Prince


With a minimal amount of upgrades, this will get you to 500 points exactly and be an excellant foundation for future armies.

The daemon prince is the standard Chaos HQ plus its just a very cool kit so you won't go wrong with that. Iron Warriors are typically a non-cult legion (don't directly worship one of the 4 dark gods) and so the basic CSM are the most obvious choice there. The single Rhino will allow you to practice with mechanized units, which are currently the standard for the game, but you save a little money up front by only having one.

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So I take it you started your reading with Storm of Iron? Yeah the idea behind that is when a mortal ascends to daemonhood they gain a higher understanding of the universe around them as well as being able to go to other worlds in other universes and such. At least I think that's how it gets explained. Anyway, with such a comprehensive understanding of new and different places to conquer, some do leave this lowly realm. Some, like M'Kar or Voldorius, stay and lead mortal armies either against each other for their respective patrons/ rivalries, or they attack the Imperium and other assorted xenos.
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Thanks for the thought! I wasnt sure that a Daemon was really ok for an IW army. It doesnt seem like they would have a lot of them floating around. So I hadnt thought about it.



That's the beauty of conversions, Counts As, and etc... as part of the modelling aspect of the hobby. You could take a Daemon Prince and go the typical ascension route, or you can build a Daemon Prince with something like the Contemptor Dreadnought or the Dreadknight, convert and 'Chaos' it up, and just say your guy decided to build himself into the biggest robot in the warband. As long as you follow What You See Is What You Get (No Twin-Las and Missle pod on a dreadnought as your Prince, but two of the 'fist' arms would work) then you will be fine.


Also, the galaxy is a big place. Your Warsmith did fall to chaos, and did mutate, and his followers followed suit. Your army, your rules.

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If you hadn't heard already, the rumormill is that a new Chaos codex (and likely new models) will be coming out the second half of this year.


Its something to keep your eye on before you spend a great sum of money up front.

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Get a few models to practice painting and converting. That way you're already building a foundation for your army.


Agreed. Stick with the "safe" choices like the ones I mentioned. Its very unlikely that they will make massive changes to either the basic CSM, the Rhino or the newly released Daemon Prince so you won't be wasting money on potentially useless models and those 3 units are enough to make a viable army to learn with.

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say goodbye to your free money and time it is now a thing of the past. ;P


So true.


Welcome to Chaos. I think that everyone will agree that... well everyone should agree that... hmm not all do. Let me rephrase that to: I think that no CSM army is complete without a Defiler.

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Welcome, brother! Always glad to see new followers of Chaos. B)

I think that no CSM army is complete without a Defiler.

And a Land Raider, and, in case of the Iron Warriors, pair of Vindicators and Basilisks :)

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AWESOME! Thanks for all the cool pictures and warm welcomes guys. I bought some CSMs a rhino and a dreadnaught(Gonna see if I can trick it out as my Daemon Prince). I will try and post some pictures once I get things going. As always more hints tips and sugestions are more than welcome!
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