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A dreadnought can be used for the glory of Chaos but it should be a loyalist one as our ain't good :tu:

10 Loyalists

Even from the AoBR they can be converted. It can even be enough to paint them accordingly. Smth like that:


Dark Angels Captain

Not Captain. The DA call them Company Masters. (just like Chapter master but company one). :P

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A dreadnought can be used for the glory of Chaos but it should be a loyalist one as our ain't good :lol:


Yeah I bought a Venerable Dread Model. I liked the more "Old School" look.


Edit: Apparently my phone doesn't like the quote function heh

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Thanks for the info Kol_Saresk.


Well my army is getting closer to assembled almost done with the basics and about to start the serious conversion work. My first match will probably be against a very assault oriented Dark Eldar army. It should be interesting.

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