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I was having a discussion with one of my regualr gaming friends, conversing about the good ol' days of the Chaos Legions. We got to talking about 6th and lost ourselves in the "what if". So my fellow sons of Nostramo, what would you like to see from 6th for our Legion?


Personaly, I would like to see us get some sort of Raptor buff, maybe give us hit and run back? As well as some sort of fear causing upgrade. What do you guys think?

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When I started thinking about playing Chaos I thought about running Night Lords but after I read the raptor rules They just seemed like they would not work well in the confines of the codex. Then the blood angels get their own and can do everything I though the Lords should do but they should be beter at it since they are based on that type of actions. What I would like is something close to what those loyal scum got with a lot more chaos flair and fun.
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I hope they separate Night Lords from the "raptor" thing. So many people look to night lords as the "oh yeah, they're supposed to be able to take raptors as troops, but the new dex sucks..." Raptors have never been troops, but I hope they have a Raptor Cult special character that allows raptors as troops though. And I hope they build out the fluff for some of the prominent raptor cults a little. I also hope they make Raptors more akin to vanguard vets and have a second listing for Chaos Assault Marines. Most chaos marines in the fluff know how to use jump packs.


The Night Lords themselves, I'd be happy with an SC that gives night lords a deathmask like upgrade. Terror markings are rad and fluffy. What I don't want is stealth or infiltrate or any other Alpha Legion like special ability. Another codex of that and the Night Lords will just be the "scary AL" forever.


Also I hope they elaborate the Warband concept further, and show us some of the different Night Lords warbands and how to paint them. I already suspect there are a few we'd see such as the Nightkillers and Brotherhood of Darkness. Maybe we'd see the Night Stalkers and the Punishers as well.

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FOC swap HQ's and Veteran abilities would be high on my wishlist.


Instead of breaking down the traitor legions with 'They get these for X points,' and 'But these guys get this, X points' it will allow you to tailor your marines to how you see your Legion existing. If you want a Talonmaster leading a charge of assault Lords, then you may. If you want the more Vorhees-esque 'Yeah, you see me. What can you do about it?', then that option is available. Other than very basic abilities like 'Iron Warriors can buy bionics for X,' or 'Night Lords can buy preysight for X,' I think specific Legion rules would be too restrictive.


I also believe FOC swaps should be in every Codex now. I'm perfectly fine if the guys with the swap aren't Night Lord models, I'll just re-name them, paint them in my colors, and call it a day. The Codex needs to have those in there. We can go left, right, up, and down over what should swap which, but I'll be happy as long as it's in there.

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I just want a good codex that doesnt mimic the legion rules from the 3.5 codex.


If I want Night Lords with a Mark of Khorne, I'll damn well take one.


That's the one thing I will say I like about the new codex. With it, I am able to express love for my legion and chaos freely without idiotic rules telling me that I can only have the mark of chaos undivided. That may be the norm for the Legion, but it's not how I want my army.

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Yeah I like the Night Haunter (corrupt) Night Lords too because it takes a bunch of insane psychopathic murders and makes them five hundred times worse. Especially since the "traitor but pure" thing is starting to get picked up by the Alpha Legion. Copycats.
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Yeah I like the Night Haunter (corrupt) Night Lords too because it takes a bunch of insane psychopathic murders and makes them five hundred times worse. Especially since the "traitor but pure" thing is starting to get picked up by the Alpha Legion. Copycats.



I know, right? I'm getting so tired of the puritan Night Lord crap. My Night Lords kill because they want to, to inspire terror simply to drink deep from that fear and savor the agony like a fine wine. None of this 'for a compliant galaxy' lie.

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Especially since the "traitor but pure" thing is starting to get picked up by the Alpha Legion. Copycats.


Actually, as per their old IA, the XX Legion were the closest of the Traitor Legions to remain pure, having spent the least amount of time in the Eye. It just seems that the Night Lords and the Alpha Legion have slowly but surely been switching places in the 'purity' department over the years. Meh, whatever. As long as the Throneworld burns, and the Imperium dies screaming, who cares? A howling, daemonic sword or a silenced bolt round will still kill an Imperial, that's all that matters.



Back on topic, I'd just like to see an aspect of the Night Lords terror tactics added in. Like previously mentioned, a -1 or -2 to leadership would be pretty nice. A special character would be alright too. Kreig would be awesome, but a new 'unknown' would be pretty gnarly too.


Frankly, as long as our new codex isn't an abomination like the last, I'll be happy...

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Especially since the "traitor but pure" thing is starting to get picked up by the Alpha Legion. Copycats.


Actually, as per their old IA, the XX Legion were the closest of the Traitor Legions to remain pure, having spent the least amount of time in the Eye. It just seems that the Night Lords and the Alpha Legion have slowly but surely been switching places in the 'purity' department over the years. Meh, whatever. As long as the Throneworld burns, and the Imperium dies screaming, who cares? A howling, daemonic sword or a silenced bolt round will still kill an Imperial, that's all that matters.

..... I really need to find these IA articles 'cuz I am missing out on so much.

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Especially since the "traitor but pure" thing is starting to get picked up by the Alpha Legion. Copycats.


Actually, as per their old IA, the XX Legion were the closest of the Traitor Legions to remain pure, having spent the least amount of time in the Eye.



Not true my friend. The very first Alpha Legion IA state they often conceal mutations to unveil for shock factor, while the Night Lords IA has always stated that their gene seed is "surprisingly pure".

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I just want a good codex that doesnt mimic the legion rules from the 3.5 codex.


If I want Night Lords with a Mark of Khorne, I'll damn well take one.


That's the one thing I will say I like about the new codex. With it, I am able to express love for my legion and chaos freely without idiotic rules telling me that I can only have the mark of chaos undivided. That may be the norm for the Legion, but it's not how I want my army.


You could do that in the old rules... You just couldn't take the NL specific rules then... The legion special rules were always optional... So yeah you could do what you are doing now with the old codex... You apparently just couldn't see past the legion rules as being mandatory. I mean granted 0-1 DP restriction existed and the Eternal enemies rule but what I'm saying is you were no more restrictions in regard to taking the mark of khorne in your army than a generic chaos army did because you could always do just that... take a generic army, spice it up your way and say "FEAR MY NIGHT LORDS".


Although I do agree with others that I would rather have legion special rules of some sort as an upgrade option for a standard HQ much like the SW sagas. They don't have to be legion specific but when you buy the 'SIEGE MASTER' specialism you know which legion it was designed for...

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Especially since the "traitor but pure" thing is starting to get picked up by the Alpha Legion. Copycats.


Actually, as per their old IA, the XX Legion were the closest of the Traitor Legions to remain pure, having spent the least amount of time in the Eye.



Not true my friend. The very first Alpha Legion IA state they often conceal mutations to unveil for shock factor, while the Night Lords IA has always stated that their gene seed is "surprisingly pure".


Ah, but the Alpha Legion were stated to have spent the least amount of time in the Eye, brother. Such 'mutations' were most likely cosmetic, something else the XX Legion is known for (a theory, I know, but a likely one, you must admit). Plus, the NL IA states that the Gene-Seed 'seems surprisingly pure', a small but important difference, mon ami.


A pair of Chaos players arguing who's Legion is the most pure.... Jeez, what the hell's wrong with us?!? B) No wonder we can't break Cadia...

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How about this, the masters of stealth pick targets for the masters of terror and guerilla tactics and we both work together. In two days Cadia will fall! And then let the other Legions fortify the bloody planet while we move on. B)
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Hit and Run and Acute Senses as standard rules, some form of leadership-based ability for characters.


I wouldn't mind having some choices restricted, but I would really, really like being able to use chaos bikes effectively. Bikes seem to be a very 'Night Lord' choice to me, the idea of a squad of chaos bikes covered in skulls and spikes, howling as they tear towards an enemy...


Hells yes

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I just really want to see the Night Lords get something other than simply "they get more Raptors". Hell, anything that helps seperate us from the image that we're the Chaos Blood Angels is a good thing. Focus more on the terror side of our tactics, with leadership modifiers, stuff like that. I also don't want to see us limited in the old "Night Lords never use tanks, so you only get 1 HS slot!" idiocy. Our Legion was known for its overkill during the Great Crusade, something that works incredibly well with Land Raiders and heavy artillery.

Also, as much as I may disagree with Noctis Cornix over his corrupt ways (shame on you... :lol:), I definitely agree with keeping the lack of restrictions on Marks. Chaos is supposed to be varied and infinite. The way of doing that is not by going "Yep, these guys can only ever be played in this specific way, with no deviations ever, ever, ever, and you're a horrible person if you want to".

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It's difficult to portray the characteristics of a Legion who's modus operandi is to inspire fear and terror. I think the best way to do this is similar to some of the options in the Tyranid codex, of all things. Death Leaper has some great rules that would lend themselves to Night Lords, as would the Lash Whip (make it something like Terror Mask or something to that effect). Modifiers to Leadership and Initiative would be helpful.


I think things like Move Through Cover and Stealth might be nice, but Hit and Run works as well. They should probably have a higher initiative, but that's probably stepping on Slaanesh's toes too much. Raptors shouldn't be a focus (although it probably will be), neither should Bikes... IMO, Motorcycles in the 41st Millennium are stupid anyhow, that's what Jet Bikes are for.

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Especially since the "traitor but pure" thing is starting to get picked up by the Alpha Legion. Copycats.


Actually, as per their old IA, the XX Legion were the closest of the Traitor Legions to remain pure, having spent the least amount of time in the Eye.



Not true my friend. The very first Alpha Legion IA state they often conceal mutations to unveil for shock factor, while the Night Lords IA has always stated that their gene seed is "surprisingly pure".


Ah, but the Alpha Legion were stated to have spent the least amount of time in the Eye, brother. Such 'mutations' were most likely cosmetic, something else the XX Legion is known for (a theory, I know, but a likely one, you must admit). Plus, the NL IA states that the Gene-Seed 'seems surprisingly pure', a small but important difference, mon ami.


A pair of Chaos players arguing who's Legion is the most pure.... Jeez, what the hell's wrong with us?!? :) No wonder we can't break Cadia...



aha splitting hairs I see! But I agree its beyond the point.


As to the current conversation I'd like to see something involving infiltration. Maybe foot slogging infantry get a pre-fight move akin to the old 13th Co rules. And Night Vision. Both maybe at a small points cost? Replace standard Marks? That way people retain the flexibility they want in terms of theme with their undivided warbands.

I'm not big on leadership modifiers simply because for the most part the psychological warfare factor of a Night Lords warband comes into play against their preferred prey - helpless victims - as opposed to an actual fighting force as usually represented on a 40k battlefield. Not only that but, like the ZOMG FAST ATTACK perspective, leadership modifiers seem far more Dark Eldar in nature. GW has already painted the Dark Eldar and Night Lords with the same lazy brush. It's time to fix that.

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Yeah usually their psychological warfare usually only affects helpless victims but still there should be a small leadership penalty like -1. I do think that Night Vision should definitely be in there and Hit and Run would be cool too (even if it's only for a chosen and an HQ it'd still be cool). The option to increase initiative wouldn't be too far into slaaneshi grounds in my opinion although I'm sure other people might see that differently.
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I know we used to have Night Vison and I'm sure we would get it again, after all, they came from a world of perpetual night. You guys have given some great suggestions, it's good to see our Legion is alive and well with a tremendous amount of diversity. These differences only help in our long war against, well, everyone.
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For starters I would like to see Night Vision returned to us. It would be also nice if we get an option to apply Night Fight special rule to some or all scenarios (to represent our ability to attack enemy when we are most advantageous). Causing terror would be nice - either similar to BA (make an optional purchase of terror markings) or -1LD to the enemy that can feel fear (so SM, Tyranids and Necrons are not affected)
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For starters I would like to see Night Vision returned to us. It would be also nice if we get an option to apply Night Fight special rule to some or all scenarios (to represent our ability to attack enemy when we are most advantageous). Causing terror would be nice - either similar to BA (make an optional purchase of terror markings) or -1LD to the enemy that can feel fear (so SM, Tyranids and Necrons are not affected)


Space Marines and Nids can fear stuff in the fluff and in the game... Not sure about the new cron rules (I haven't played them and don't have the new dex...) but in the old fluff a Necron Lord (A Necron that still has a personality...) feels fear or a close approximation to it.

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Oh, one more thing I just thought of...


A Sane Dreadnought....Do you hear me, GW?!?! Make it a purchasable option, whatever, just let me be able to make a Malcharion that won't snap and obliterate a squad!!!

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