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Hellfire Rounds Query


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It's just a quick question, can someone please explain to me about Hellfire Rounds...


What is their Strength value? and (just to make sure I've interpreted the table correctly) as they are Poisoned, do they always wound on a 2+?


Any help you fantastic people could give would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance.



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As par C:SM FAQ 1.3 they are S1, and have been for a while:


Page 66, 100, 144 – Hellfire Rounds and Shells

The profile of Hellfire Rounds and Hellfire Shells should

be changed by replacing ‘Strength X’ with ‘Strength 1’.


Not that it makes much of a difference though.


EDIT: meatball beat me to it, but I did post a pretty quote box :lol:.

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It means they could glance a vehicle which has been reduced to AV7 or even manage a hit on a vehicle below AV7. Could happen in 2vs2 or something like that if Necron Scarabs are involved ;) But then why use hellfire rounds instead of normal ones in such cases? ...
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Wow strength 1?


I take it thats to make the whole 'wounds on a 2+ regardless' a bit fairer?


:EDIT: sorry, you guys will have to bear with me, I'm kinda new to the whole gaming side of things...I normally just sit in my corner, being a good little modeller come painter.

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All it means is that they will definitely not harm vehicles, unless the very rare occurrence described above happens. They still wound on a 2+ regardless, just not against vehicles.
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All it means is that they will definitely not harm vehicles, unless the very rare occurrence described above happens. They still wound on a 2+ regardless, just not against vehicles.

It also stops the idea of the reroll to wounds for a poisoned weapon against someone toughness equal or less than the strength (unless something is T1)

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All it means is that they will definitely not harm vehicles, unless the very rare occurrence described above happens. They still wound on a 2+ regardless, just not against vehicles.

It also stops the idea of the reroll to wounds for a poisoned weapon against someone toughness equal or less than the strength (unless something is T1)


I'm not sure about this one, isn't it only in close combat that that occurs. I was looking through my rulebook and that only showed up under special close combat weapons, but I may have missed something.

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NO the re-rolls to wound are for all poisoned weapons, however, it rarely happens for shooting because GW usually has used S1 or SX as the strength value to deny the re-rolls. If say a DE venmon cannon was S4 and Poisoned 4+ it would be rediculous.
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NO the re-rolls to wound are for all poisoned weapons, however, it rarely happens for shooting because GW usually has used S1 or SX as the strength value to deny the re-rolls. If say a DE venmon cannon was S4 and Poisoned 4+ it would be rediculous.

Sorry, but that's wrong; the BRB specifically states the re-roll to wound when the weapon's strength meets or beats the target's toughness. is only in close combat.

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YOu are indeed correct I always assumed it was both (because they always gave poisoned shooting attacks low or no strength.). That said there are actually no rules refering to poisoned shooting weapon in the BRB (poisoned only appears in the section for special close combat weapons). Which states that the user of a poisoned weapon must re-roll failed wounds in close combat if their S is greater than or equal to the enemies T. It says nothing at all about shooting poisoned weapons. So all the BrB really says is that posioned close combat weapons don't allow re-rolls to wound while shooting. That said you cannot assume that poisoned shooting weapons would get said re-roll, which is irrelevant until they have a S of 3 or higher, the low strength of all such weapons indicates to me that you would get re-rolls (or that was GWs intent) if the S were higher but really there are no rules supporting it.
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