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Night Fighting Query


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1.) When using Blood Lance do I have to actually see my target before I declare where the line is going?


2.) can I spot light a different target with my Librarian dreadnought and then send Blood lance at a different target?


3.) if I roll less for the Night fighting (2D6*3)” than I do for the blood lance (4D6”) will this limit the range of blood lance?


4.) Do I have to see a target during Night fighting rules to declare where I am dropping a ordinance barrage (whirlwind) template?


5.) Are there any other quirks to avoid night fighting as a SM/BA army?


6.) If I kill Necron Storm Lord will this void the night fighting other than the crypt techs?



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1.) When using Blood Lance do I have to actually see my target before I declare where the line is going?


2.) can I spot light a different target with my Librarian dreadnought and then send Blood lance at a different target?

The Spotlight will illuminate whatever target is declared for your shooting. This is unaffected by Blood Lance.

3.) if I roll less for the Night fighting (2D6*3)” than I do for the blood lance (4D6”) will this limit the range of blood lance?


4.) Do I have to see a target during Night fighting rules to declare where I am dropping a ordinance barrage (whirlwind) template?

No. But you will scatter as if you do not have Line of Sight.

5.) Are there any other quirks to avoid night fighting as a SM/BA army?


6.) If I kill Necron Storm Lord will this void the night fighting other than the crypt techs?

It should, if the Night Fighting is as a result of the Storm Lords special rule. Special rules usually cease having an effect when the model is removed.

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I just realized I can’t put a spotlight on a Librarian dreadnought as it says replace ALL wargear with …a spotlight counts as wargear correct?




Q: Blood Lance is a psychic shooting attack that can hit

multiple units. If the Librarian wishes to assault after

using Blood Lance, which unit(s) is he permitted to

assault? (p63)


A: Only the first unit hit by the Blood Lance.


Would this in any way be construed as the target I shot at? Then I couldn’t shoot my storm bolter at someone else and assault the unit I hit with the storm bolter?


If using Fear of the Darkness on a group of ‘crons I would have to roll night fighting to see if I can see the unit even though the attack automatically hits?

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Q: Blood Lance is a psychic shooting attack that can hit

multiple units. If the Librarian wishes to assault after

using Blood Lance, which unit(s) is he permitted to

assault? (p63)


A: Only the first unit hit by the Blood Lance.


Would this in any way be construed as the target I shot at? Then I couldn’t shoot my storm bolter at someone else and assault the unit I hit with the storm bolter?

This is a sticky one, which deserves being discussed with your opponent before starting the game. It would seem to me that you follow the Shooting Phase summary on Pg.15 of the BRB so first check line of sight & declare a target, also declare what attacks you Lib.Dread is using. Next Check for Range and roll for Night Fighting. If you're in range, roll to hit for any weapons fired and make your Psychic test for Lance. If Lance goes off, place your 24" line.

Now this is the sticky part. Lance doesn't require that you place the line such that the first model affected is in the target unit, it makes the first model touched the target of the attack. Does this mean that your Storm Bolter automatically misses the unit it was shot at? Does this allow the Dread to (in effect) "split fire" between two units? If so, do you choose which unit to charge or are you bound to charge the unit you declared shooting against or the unit which was "made" you target by virtue of being the first struck by Lance?

All this would best be decided before you and your opponent are invested in a game.

If using Fear of the Darkness on a group of ‘crons I would have to roll night fighting to see if I can see the unit even though the attack automatically hits?


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