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Looking for some good recipes...

Momento Mori

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Greetings followers of Khorne!


I'm hoping that some of you here might share with me some of your recipes for painting Khorne marines. I recently picked up the FW conversion set and am looking forward to painting something outside of my loyalist norm.


I kinda like the darker red for the armor, not that sort of 'Coca Cola' red that I have seen before (like in GWs 'red' period >shudder<)


Any hints, tips, links to other threads on here would be greatly appreciated!



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I go with this right now.




Mud Wash (Super heavy)

Mechrite/Blood Red highlight

Red Ink


I may add one more highlight of Mech/Blood/Blood before the wash on my next batch, but I am leaning towards a bit brighter finish these days, more a cherry red.


For the brass





Mud Wash


Bronze/Chain on the very tip/edge.

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Check out VNs vintage bezerkers...(should be a few posts below)


He uses a recipe similar to one I have had great sucess with.


I didnt bother with a spray base layer, just brushed them with slightly thinned mecrite red. (I Think VN used army painter red spray).

Then paint the metal bits chainmail, the brass bits brass or gold and any skin elf flesh. I painted their face plates and any skulls white, (but you can leave them red).


This does not have to be too neat, the next step covers a lot of evils...


...with a big brush coat them in Army painter quick shade (I used the dark tone). This needs to be quite a thin layer.


This leaves you with a deep slightly shiney red (like a fresh raw steak:)) with remarkable tone depth...If you dont like the shine varnish them with some matt varnish, but I thought the shine looked awesome like slick blood coating their armour.

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