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Sanguinius Portrait (WIP)


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Greetings battle-brothers,


I have been really hard at work on a piece of artwork of my favorite (and our beloved) Primarch Sanguinius, for a few weeks now. I am hoping it's allowed to post this artwork here as I wasn't sure where art would be posted anywhere else. Sorry if it's not and I'll remove it.

Regardless, also please forgive the many flaws within this picture as I am not really skilled/taught in the ways of artwork, and am working to improve myself each day! Thank you and I can only hope to capture a small glimmer of our lost Sanguinius.


I would greatly appreciate feedback on what I need to fix/add/improve upon so it becomes something more, just try to hold back the Rage if you find my work below your standards! ^ ^;;




His humble servant,


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Nothing about that looks correct to me.


I think you need to make him more masculine. This is in the pose, the body, the face, and importantly the wings.


At the moment it looks more like a fairy elf, in armour.


Sorry for harsh critique.

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Looks good Kanis. I can see your better at some things than others. The good?


The wings, the hair, the sun-daise behind his face. They all look fantastic man. The hair especially is really great, it reminds me of a Super-Saiyan (and that's a good thing!). The detail on his armour is really good too, you've taken the Horus Heresy? artwork as a source piece and lost none of the detail.


The bad is pretty simple. Sanguinius was a Primarch. Space Marines are meant to be 9-11 foot tall, Primarchs bigger again. They were titans. Think of the Spartans in the movie 300, imagine them with a bit more muscle (if you can believe it) and then scale them up to be twice as big as a regular human being today. Your drawing *does* make him look really wimpy. His chest and his arms should be bulky, well-toned and enormous. There is also something odd about the angle at which his neck and head meet. It's okay to make his face a bit pretty, Sanguinius was meant to be beautiful and radiant like the sun.


But he was still an enormous man and a furious, very aggressive warrior. The guy you draw should be able to take on a Blood Thirster in single combat after all..

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I really appreciate the feedback all, and though some of it's a tad harsh/blunt, I do see what is meant right away. :X I can't believe I drew him so small, so I'll try really hard to give him that Primarch physique I am /clearly/ missing here. So again, thanks for being honest and letting me know what I need to fix!


The face was/is a point I'm having issues as he was always described as beautiful, but I make it look wimpy instead, but not sure how to make it more war-hardened? Anyone have some ideas for that?


Also very much appreciate the kind words as well, helps to continue along despite such horrific flaws! XD


I only wish to do my brothers and Primarch proud, so this is important to me. Thanks for this feedback and I'll have another WIP with all of your feedback/critiques included soon, and thank you B&C for allowing it!


His humble servant,


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