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Mycetic Spore


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SeattleDV8 is correct, the spore has to actually be in combat to make attacks. This means that another unit has to charge it for it to be able to attack. Also, like all other units, it won't be able to use it's ability to shoot into combat, it must sit there and do nothing.
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Incorrect Hatefires.


Q: A Mycetic Spore cannot move itself once it has

entered the battle, but can it be moved by another

model (e.g. by a Mawloc’s Terror from the Deep special

rule)? (p54)

A: Yes.


So when a tank tank shocks it, it can still choose to move aside, and it still gets moved aside by the shortest possible distance.

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Incorrect Hatefires.


Q: A Mycetic Spore cannot move itself once it has

entered the battle, but can it be moved by another

model (e.g. by a Mawloc’s Terror from the Deep special

rule)? (p54)

A: Yes.


So when a tank tank shocks it, it can still choose to move aside, and it still gets moved aside by the shortest possible distance.


Except *that* isn't the tank moving it, it's the spore choosing to move on it's own. Which it can't, being that it's immobile. The FAQ addresses issues like the Mawlocs TftD rule, or an enemy wishing to 'shove' it out of the way via pushing it with a vehicle of their own.

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Hmmm, I thought the model was immobile under the entry? Doesn’t the Mawlock move everything? Would the Mawlock move a drop pod? Because a drop pod can’t move out of the way of ramming.


no VEHICLES can move out of the way of ramming (though fluffwis skimmers can), that a vehicle cant move out of the way of something has no impact on the mawlock.



And yes mawloc can move any model, if there is no space for the model to be moved, the model is destroyed though.


As a side note even if it was true that pods had to death or glory (which even if they coulndt be moved by other things woudl nto have been true) it would still be risky to ram a myotic spore, they are strength 6 Monsterus creatures. So thats 2d6 armor pen. which means 58% chance to glance AV 13, 41% chance to glance 14 (pen 13), and 27% chance to pen 14.

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Incorrect Hatefires.


Q: A Mycetic Spore cannot move itself once it has

entered the battle, but can it be moved by another

model (e.g. by a Mawloc’s Terror from the Deep special

rule)? (p54)

A: Yes.


So when a tank tank shocks it, it can still choose to move aside, and it still gets moved aside by the shortest possible distance.


Except *that* isn't the tank moving it, it's the spore choosing to move on it's own. Which it can't, being that it's immobile. The FAQ addresses issues like the Mawlocs TftD rule, or an enemy wishing to 'shove' it out of the way via pushing it with a vehicle of their own.


But it's still an enforced movement. When the Mawloc comes up it's not just it shoving the enemy outwards, it could also very well be them running away or getting to safer ground. Granted it doesn't make sense and the mycetic spore should have to always stand and do death or glory, but them's the rules.

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Sorry to be a bee aye tee see ayche, but we aren't talking about how to kill them. If I wanted them dead that bad I'd just melta them. They are not a threat to me in any way if they drop in and I am in CC with the enemy, if it's true they can't attack into CC.


If any army has so many problems with Mycetic Spores that they have to resort to tank-shocking them (whether they can move or not), there needs to be some serious reevaluation of army lists.

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If any army has so many problems with Mycetic Spores that they have to resort to tank-shocking them (whether they can move or not), there needs to be some serious reevaluation of army lists.


Haha, very true ;). In truth I've never used or seen a Mycetic Spore used, but they just don't seem like a problem at all. Sure they have a gun but they have low BS and can't even choose their target, the issue is the unit inside, much like a Drop Pod.

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