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My wish for Rubrics.


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Since this dex I have had a problem with Rubrics.

I had always imagined them as nigh invincible, small arms fire pattering off them while heavier weaponry was required to destroy the armour. And in previous editions of our dex the rules always reflected this.


However in this one we get a decent invul save (Not that its unwelcome). It does however mean they die just as easily to small arms as other marines, and against heavier weapons we get a bonus. Its virtually a complete reversal of their previous capabilities.


I would like to see the Rubric return to the former in the next Chaos dex. Perhaps 2 wounds, but no eternal warrior. Heavier weapons can blow them to bits but small arms struggle.


What changes would you like or suggest for Tzeentch and Rubrics in the future dex?

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The inherent problem is making them too similar to plague marines. In the fluff, both are supposed to be able to shrug off small arms fire.


You would have liked the 3rd ed Thousand Sons. 1W (Maybe 2?), regular bolters, Immune to weapons S4 or less. IMMUNE.


A simple solution might be to replace the invun with a 2+ armour save, or just make them like legion of the damned, with a permanent 3+ invun.


The 3++ would make the whole "cover is just as good, but free" issue. 3++, SnP, Rending on a 5+ bolters. The whole destroys marines, but has no additional effect over a normal bolter vs guard never made sense to me. Or make the bolters ignore cover, a la dragonfire rounds.

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I think Rubrics should have feel no pain, considering they have no physical forms anymore.

That could be said of all cult options actually...that they should have FnP...


Plague Marines: Obviously they care not if you hit any "vital" spots, it's likely to not have been used anyway for a few thousand years...


Berzerkers: Shoot an arm off: he will assault you, shoot a leg off, he will assault you, shoot both arms off, he will take his axe in his teeth and assault you...frothing madmen in power/termie armour that doesn't care from where the blood flows, yeah, nigh unstoppable...


Noise Marines: Oooh, pain, what a wonderful sensation...gimme more!!!


Thousand Sons: Oh, you shot some armour off, keeps on advancing...boom, big hole in chestplate, keeps on advancing...

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I definitely think the two wounds way was the best idea, even if it was annoying to play against.


Yeah but it was totallu understandable. And with the array of multi wound monsters and troops like Ork Nobs, the all identical Thousand Sons are not that complicated.


I'd also like to see some more devestating psychic powers.


I'd also like to see a change to psychic hoods, and basicly change it from a ld check to both sorcerors roll 2d6 and add their Sun 5 Feb 2012 to see if its stopped.

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What I would really like is for Thousand Son Marine Bolters to be Strength 5 Assault 2 (or simply more in line with Grey Knight on the table, except slow and purposeful crap, and don't have power weapons) , AP 5 that also reduces the armor save value of enemies by -2 (which is a call back to older editions where AP reduced armor saves).... aka 4+ becomes 6+, Terminators would have a 4+ save, Marines would have a 5+ save.... this allows it to more consistent. Less good matchups more consistent results. Moving from strength 4 to strength 5 gives us a way of glancing common transport armor values which the army sorely lacks at the moment. Being able to toss out 18 glancing shots at a Rhino wouldn't be to abusive probably about the same chance to blow it up as a standard tactical squad.



I think they should have something that confirms they are the master's of sorcery...

1) change all Thousand Sons Psyhic Powers to be considered Sorcery Powers which function the exact same way except there is no defense against them, they are simply Psyhic Powers that can't be affected by things that effect Psyhic Powers (still perils rolls, but won't trigger psyhic hoods/runes and whatnot)

2) give the AS a constantly ON power like Eldar Warlocks, possibly one for each of the different factions of Thousand Sons schools. 1) inv save 2) rending ranged weapons ... you get the idea

3) allow the AS to have the option of another castable power, but not required to do so.... this power I feel should be taken from any legal codex GW prints as long as the power isn't restricted to any restrictions in the description... show that they truly are the masters of sorcery....


4) make the squad cheaper by lowering there init.. removing the inv. save and making it AS chosen ability

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oh joy, another edition of having to take psychic tests to be able to do what other squads can do normally, and not have the enemy stop them half the time.


Yeah, this is my worry as well, especially as one failed save from the sorceror removes your sarge and your special weapons in one shot. Something like the GK Vindicare would be an unholy terror able to completely neuter KSons squads.

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If rubric marines are going to accurately fit the fluff that is now written for them then they need to function exactly the same as normal marines i.e. have the same statline but on top of that they need to have more wounds and/or a feel no pain save. An invulnerable save is super awesome to have, don't get me wrong, but it just doesn't sit right with me somehow. Invulnerable's, for me at least, should be kept in the domain of HQ choices and characters.


Rubrics just need more levels of saves and more wounds to represent how hard it is to stop them with conventional fire, a lascannon or titan primary weapon should still obliterate them utterly with no invulnerable save to stop it...

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If the psychic powers stay about the same, but each sorcerer can pick two free powers like a regular SM librarian, that would give a welcome boost (which, yes, can still be nullified by the enemy). OMG BoC and Wind of Chaos for free.


I doubt we will have any way to deal with psychic hoods. It's part of 40k, good guys win- bad guys lose. (at least as far as defensive psychic abilities go)


The invulnerable save is stupid. If they wanted to make it a psychic power to give a 4+ to the sorcerer and his unit, then I'd be a giddy girl about that.


Two wounds or re-roll failed armor saves from enemy shooting is proper Rubricae representation.

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If the psychic powers stay about the same, but each sorcerer can pick two free powers like a regular SM librarian, that would give a welcome boost (which, yes, can still be nullified by the enemy). OMG BoC and Wind of Chaos for free.


I doubt we will have any way to deal with psychic hoods. It's part of 40k, good guys win- bad guys lose. (at least as far as defensive psychic abilities go)


The invulnerable save is stupid. If they wanted to make it a psychic power to give a 4+ to the sorcerer and his unit, then I'd be a giddy girl about that.


Two wounds or re-roll failed armor saves from enemy shooting is proper Rubricae representation.


This would be good, so long as it was appropriately costed (always seems to have been a problem with ksons) although whatever they do to wound allocation for 6th will probably affect whether or not Rubric marines get 2 wounds. It would be nice for the sorceror to get free powers and mastery level 1 - hopefully we'll get a nice selection of offensive and defensive powers ala GKs. Some sort of counter-psychic defence could be quite cool, say from Ahriman or a piece of IC wargear, given how plentiful it is amongst the loyalists and eldar. Maybe something that stops the effects of psychic hoods and runes within a radius of the IC.

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