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Painting some snipers


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Hey mate! There are two basic ansewrs, and they depend on how do you follow the official iconography and symbolics. If you wanna follow the scheme, proposed by the codex and official fluff, I'd suggest that you should paint the scouts as normal BA. I personally stick to this idea, as I believe that DC markings and black armor are DC-exclusive, i.e. they apply inly to DC marines, dreads and the respective transports. If you only take the official iconography into account, but add some personal touch, you could and certain DC attributes to your scouts' armor. Anyway, I (and it is my personal piont of view) wouldn't paint the BA regular units black, as they would not be BA anymore - instead I'd consider them as a successor chapter.

Just my opinion on the topic.

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Hey mate! There are two basic ansewrs, and they depend on how do you follow the official iconography and symbolics. If you wanna follow the scheme, proposed by the codex and official fluff, I'd suggest that you should paint the scouts as normal BA. I personally stick to this idea, as I believe that DC markings and black armor are DC-exclusive, i.e. they apply inly to DC marines, dreads and the respective transports. If you only take the official iconography into account, but add some personal touch, you could and certain DC attributes to your scouts' armor. Anyway, I (and it is my personal piont of view) wouldn't paint the BA regular units black, as they would not be BA anymore - instead I'd consider them as a successor chapter.

Just my opinion on the topic.




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Now that is a good idea. I like it! I could do it in an urban pattern, has a bit of DC to it. Although I like the aussie camo look. Ahhhh decisons :P


Of you could use them as a break from all the red! I painted the armour red but the cloth in Aussie desert cam colors. Makes a nice change, especially for snipers.
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When I started working on my BA scouts a while back (never quite finished them, as I don't really use scouts) I went with my usual red for their armor (a deep rich, shiny red that actually looks like spilled blood), black for the cloth parts like a dark bodyglove, and then did their boots in a solid light grey, with their camo-cloaks having an urban camo pattern. The different parts of the model contrast in a way that I think stands out on the table top while also seeming thematically appropriate.
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I second the camo theme.


Normal marines can afford to wear primary colours, since they're made of bad ass awesomeness and are shock troopers. Scouts are meant to infiltrate and prepare for the arrival of the real heroes, and needs to work discreetly. A colourful Unit of snipers is just counterintuitive B)

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This is interesting: http://fromthewarp.blogspot.com/2012/01/sp...mo-schemes.html (not my work, I hasten to add, but someone called Ron Saikowski)




In the dawn of time, late 80's, when the Land Raider first came out, the Blood Angels' was in an ochre/brown camo scheme, rather like the Howling Griffon shown there. It's also not too far from the gold-coloured characters of the BA.


Whilst it's good to have a thematically linked army, I think this can lead to odd results. I don't plan on using a bright red for any of my marines but particularly not on scouts because it just looks daft. I don't treat the fluff as set in stone; in any event, they're supposed to have been around for over 10,000 years so things must have changed.


I think the rationale behind getting rid of camo schemes for marines is that they're shock troops and you're supposed to see them coming. But wouldn't the psychological effect be even greater if you didn't see them coming?


So I want to have a go at doing a camo scheme on my scouts, and not just on the cloaks. I think Ron has done an excellent interpretation of the scheme from the old WD, which is interesting without actually blurring the lines on the model.

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I read a fantastic blog on here (or CMoN) about giving the scout snipers gilly suits. I love this idea, snipers are meant to be unseen. I think you should tone down the colours. use earthy tones such as deep browns and tie them to your army by having hints of dark red/ocre in key places (shoulder pads). I also don't like the SM scouts, what on earth have GW done with the scouts faces. I'm thinking of using models from Infinity (Ariadna army) for mine, I think they will work and there is a larger variety.
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no chance, it takes decades for the gene to mutate, even then it's only a few turn. imagine a chapter, 1000+ marines (marines+hq+techs+suport+dreads+etc)

fluff wise there is only a squad or two in total. I think that the scouts are still being developed Gene wise and training wise so maybe they would fail with all the consequences of failure. ( is it me or does that sound like starwars lol)

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There was a game called Field Commander for the PSP back in the day, and they had one infantry unit for the red team. The unit looked like a Blood Angel scout with the most awesome camo that would suit our army perfectly. Alas I can't find a single bloody (pun intended) picture of it anywhere. if someone know what I'm refering please try to find it. I promise, no Blood Angel player will regret it.
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There was a game called Field Commander for the PSP back in the day, and they had one infantry unit for the red team. The unit looked like a Blood Angel scout with the most awesome camo that would suit our army perfectly. Alas I can't find a single bloody (pun intended) picture of it anywhere. if someone know what I'm refering please try to find it. I promise, no Blood Angel player will regret it.



I know exactly which camo scheme you're thinking of and yeah, it would look amazing for our scouts. I've been looking for my copy of the game and my old PSP just to get the image.

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I would love to see it. I have put off painting for now, I ike the ideas that are coming out from all of you. ;)



There was a game called Field Commander for the PSP back in the day, and they had one infantry unit for the red team. The unit looked like a Blood Angel scout with the most awesome camo that would suit our army perfectly. Alas I can't find a single bloody (pun intended) picture of it anywhere. if someone know what I'm refering please try to find it. I promise, no Blood Angel player will regret it.



I know exactly which camo scheme you're thinking of and yeah, it would look amazing for our scouts. I've been looking for my copy of the game and my old PSP just to get the image.

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I have a mental image of a Blood Angels scout having Red Armor while their fatigues have a base of Khaki/Bone White with blotches of Brown and Black for Camo. No Stripes! The brown might end up resembling dried blood which may be weird as camouflage but may look awesome as a Blood Angel.


However you could make the camo match whatever theme you use for your bases. I like grey urban bases so my scouts would probably have an urban theme for its camo while retaining its red armor. Any leather in black in my opinion.

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I'd go for the cloak and cloth parts in whatever camo-scheme takes your fancy (urban, I think you said) and for the armoured sections how about a darker, more subdued crimson rather than easy-to-spot bright red. Tone down squad and chapter markings too, like how modern military aircraft have subdued-tone roundels and markings.
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Pararanger! I'm glad someone else agrees. I sold the game many years ago figuring there would be pictures of the bloody scheme online. but there isnt a single picture of this unit on the entire internet!!!

If you can take a photo of the unit from the game and post it, I would really appreciate it. I'm trying to remember how it looked but I need a picture.


For the record it was an urban camo, but done just right for blood angels....


I think the scheme was white cloth, with grey and black camo spots, and red armour. it was awesome.

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Okay we are primed and ready to go. I will post up some pics as I go. Please let me know if I'm screwing something up. I'm going with a an urban camo theme grays, blacks, and lite grays with a little darker red. Not sure if I want to do the curvy line camo or box type more straight lines.
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Has anyone ever tried making snipers with a ghillie suit? I am not running scouts atm but I want to and this is an idea I wanted to play around with. I just have so much work on my current army I don't want to add to it just yet.
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Has anyone ever tried making snipers with a ghillie suit? I am not running scouts atm but I want to and this is an idea I wanted to play around with. I just have so much work on my current army I don't want to add to it just yet.


A friend has used flocking on the camo cloaks of his Ultramarine scouts, looks pretty good, but the next time I purchase scout snipers I plan on using layered tissue paper in different colors to make ghillie suits. A friend used a similar technique when making a diorama when we were in sniper school. Turned out really well, when I decide to try it I'll post how well it goes.

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scouts would be the only ones in the chapter activly using camo. "have pride in your colours" prevents any true marine from concealing his chapter colours, lest he also angers the machine spirit :P


mind, unless the proper ritual is followed and at least a part of the armour still bears your original colour if im not mistaken :tu:


also bare in mind that the imperium uses materials with a cameleon(sp) quality that basicly blends you into the enviroment. think camo cloaks. if im not mistaken they can also add that to armour. i cant say what colour it is though or if you can still have your chapter colours...

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