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Considering Chaos

Brother Terrus

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So, here we are! I'm new to playing 40k, (Like, don't have any models yet, but have been interested for quite some time and am making a first purchase soon!) and my first love was Chaos, though in the time since I've found the Dark Angels catch my fancy too. Given the fluff, I'm somewhat taken to the idea of just doing Dark Angels and calling them Fallen when I want to play Chaos until I can afford to branch into some chaotic power armour.


Anyway, to focus more on what I like about Chaos, A.) They're the archetypical bad guys, and I love playing the bad guy for some reason. B.) MAGIC! Chaos Sorcerers are just cool, and while Librarians are alright, they have that nagging Imperial Inquisition to deal with. C.) Chaos has cooler war-cries, "For Ultramar!"? Nah, I prefer, "KILL! MAIM! BURN!". Tzeentch is probably my favorite Chaos God, though my predilection to beating on things also has me flirting with Khorne! Leave it to the renegade fence-sitter to not know what god to worship, eh?

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Well the beauty of Chaos is that you don't have to worship any one god. You don't even have to serve the gods. You can just gain daemonic pacts and have allies in the warp or just strike out on your own so you can build your own empire or just fight as a mercenary so you can watch the Imperium burn. I personally am a Night Lords fan because they are fierce murders who inspire terror and panic as they spread their hate throughout the galaxy. Although I have to admit that Beneath the Flesh has turned my towards the Flesh Tearers. But ultimately we the servants of Chaos are all fence-sitters in the end. It provides an oppurtunity for us all to grow without the restrictions imposed on us by the Imperium and its thin-blooded lapdogs.


But if you want a god, then look at what you want out of your army. You mentioned that you like Sorcerers so Khorne may not be the one for you. I say that because Khorne is completely anti-psyker anti-sorcerer. But if you want you could always write a devious Tzeentch-sorcerer who tricks Khornate warriors into serving him.

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If you like many of the gods then make a renegade chapter or try one of the unaligned legions.



...also, this topic had one reply but ZERO views when i clicked it...it's the eye of terror indeed! :lol:


(how the heck did you manage that Kol_Saresk???)

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Yeah, I've thought of that, I think if I really had to pick one god I'd probably have to side with some change I can believe in (I already feel terrible for that joke.), but the great likelihood is that I'll stick with unaligned. Though Kol_Saresk's idea is also intriguing, especially since I figure a sorcerer wouldn't find too much trouble in convincing a group of Berzerkers he's not such a bad guy, especially if his spells result in ends particularly bloody.
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There's always the Black Legion. They're the Chaos codex way of taking whatever you feel like and having the support of whatever god you like. Any of them, all of them, or none of them if you please, in your particular warband. And they're a Traitor Legion, so you get street cred in the Warp, too.
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Night Lord. The darkness is my ally. Hate is my blade. :)


Especially when you now wear the the colors of true shadow, Brother Kol.....Hydra Dominatus, Fortium Fracti. ;)

My brainwashing prevents me from knowing of that which you speak of.

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There's always the Black Legion. They're the Chaos codex way of taking whatever you feel like and having the support of whatever god you like.


And they look awesome on the tabletop as well :jaw:


Remember when you´re letting the taint fill your body there is no turning back. So considering is the wrong word, the question is have you been tainted or not.


If you play Chaos you get to field with a Defiler, that alone is a good reason to worship Chaos.

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A DA Fallen themed force would be impressive and extremely fluffy.


The Black Legion look absolutely sick when done well, and it lets you try out a bit of everything without locking yourself down into one particular theme - good for a starting CSM force.

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Join the Bearers of the Word. Our faith makes us strong, and the True Gods themselves are our allies!


EDIT: Rereads original post. Oops!


Fallen would makes sense. It could be that they have a Former Librarian (now a Tzeentch sorceror) leading the warriors that have become dedicated to Khorne.

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DA fallen are a really cool concept, and would make an awesome theme for your army, but remember that the actual fallen are pretty rare and far between. Though it would make sense if the "upper hierarchy" of the warband would be fallen DA(like the lord and his chosen or something), but the rest are recruited from other warbands and/or loyalists. They tend to not mitigate together due to their will to stay unnoticed.


Read "Bloodquest" for inspiration. ;)

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Thanks for all the ideas, guys, as of right now, I'm pretty sure because of my lack of converting skill and because I'm locked in with a friend to get AoBR, that I'll at least be starting with DA. Because, being a poor fluff boy myself, I don't think I could field a mostly un-chaosed bunch of power armor primarily as a Chaos force, it just smacks too much of a lacking amount of Imperium-hate. Hearing the rumors of DA vs. a Fallen-led Lost and Damned is pretty nice, though, especially if Cypher (Dual pistols? Sign me up.) is that said Fallen Angel.


That aside, I'll definitely keep watch on the Chaos forums, because I'm still quite interested in getting myself a warband to pillage with, and besides, I hear the DA's psykers are somewhat lacking in the power market.

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