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Hero and Villian

Malus Trux

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Been crazy busy but trying to get some hobby time in & these have been my most recent "finished" works.


We've been playing Herohammer at my GW store recently. Its just taking an HQ, either named or created, & face off. Its easily unbalanced so we play on teams usually, not that it helps. Actually showed this guy before but he was unpainted, heck he didn't even have primer on. Since then I've swapped the head to use for another project & because someone mentioned he has a Superman pose, I gave him a Crimson Fist-esque paint scheme. I call him Captain Fisto, Fist First Captain of the Crimson Fists. Hey if GW has a character named "Iron Hands" who led a legion called the Iron Hands and had actual iron hands I can get a way with it.


I couldn't get the camera to focus properly so unfortunately his face is a little blurry but you can pretty much see it. Heck I can see a lock of hair I didn't notice I had painted flesh. Oops.


Another shot to show a little more of the wingspan. To see a further zoom out see below. After seeing him up close I think I'm going to paint the circle on his chest black to help frame the chapter symbol & maybe highlight the chest wings with a brighter yellow as well. Pretty happy about the rock, just need grass or dirt to surround it.


This guy is a very different story. Around the end of the year, got a chance to start a Dark Heresy campaign & I played a tech-priest. It was great & I made a model for it as the GM requested. Then he disappeared into who knows where. One of the other players got fed up waiting & decided to run a Black Crusade campaign instead with the group as Chaos Space Marines. To convince me he let me play a fallen Techmarine. I chose an Iron Warrior Warsmith as they aren't all that big into Chaos with my next choices Night Lords (who don't even like Chaos) & Alpha Legion (closet Loyalists). First play session my character kills an Imperial Fists Captain & retinue & munches on a sergeant's brains. With this in mind I went about making my first Chaos model.


I'm very happy about this guy. Only thing I should really fix are the hazard lines on the chainsword.


Here you can see the spine. That was a happy accident. I needed something to cover up the hole where the head would go & thought of just green stuffing gore when I remembered a broken Tomb King chariot. A snip later I have a spine.


I hope people can figure what the crazy straw is. I originally was just going to use a bendy straw but the Chaos player of the group said it should be a crazy straw. Why? Well, Chaos.


I'm happy how the cape's painting came out but its real easy to tell where I GS'd it to make it fit.


This guy is hefty. Quite possible the heaviest model I've made. Something like 90~94% metal.


This was just for kicks :lol:



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Thanks guys. Glad other people enjoy the idea of a CSM with a sense of humor. On a side note, just realized I forgot to note the Warsmith's name: Raziel. Nothing special, just something inspired by The Stupidest Angel but our first session we were faced with an Imperial Fist Librarian with the same name & our resident Sorcerer had a grudge with said Librarian which led to amusing, GM encouraged, meta elements.


"I must destroy Raziel!"

*Servo-arm & plasma torch turn to track Sorcerer*

"Er, right. Not you, the guy on the ship."

*Mechandrites stop tracking*


There were more of those but I'm getting off topic.


As for Capt. Fisto, he was created as joke when another forum made rules for a SM captain who's M.O. was flying falcon punches & eventually evolved to what he is. He may be just a joke but I'm still happy with how he came out. I prefer Raziel out of the two but gimmick aside, Fisto is still one of my better paint jobs. If nothing else he represents progress.

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