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Dusted off my Knights of Blood


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I'm a bit rushed at the moment, and couldn't find it anywhere else, so I'll just ask: can Dark Eldar Jetbikes block movement of our Baal Predators? Or could I have Tank Shocked through them?


We played 2000pts, Capture & Control (1 objective each deployment zone), Pitched Battle.


I deployed 2nd and put 2 Baal Preds on my left flank and forgot to Scout them forward 18" and pop smoke. Confidence in my stalwart self dismissed it as a tactical oversight but then next thing I know there are 6 jetbikes supposedly blocking any movement. Sure I blasted them all to hell in my next turn, but I was still stuck 6" from my table edge for another turn, in which 2 Ravagers double-cratered my Baals!!!


When all was said and done, his Incubii and 2 Warrior squads wiped out 1 Tactical squad sitting on my home objective - his Incubii also wiped a 5-man Termy Assault squad with no attack backs!?! - while my Death Company w/TDA Reclusiarch and DC Dread pounded his objective sitting Warrior Squad, Raider and Ravager into dust on his home objective, allowing my 2nd Tactical squad in vroom-vroom Rhino to occupy, ending the match tied 1-1 in objectives and 5-5 in Killpoints.

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Yea, you got cheated.


If you ever have any doubts about a rule, or something doesnt seem right, just ask politely where the rule is.


In this case, your opponent would have tried in vain to find a rule that doesn't exist, you would have shocked through the Bikes, then roasted them.

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No cheating, just hadn't played in 6mos and we were both very distracted with two 5-year-olds running around plus the wife watching a very inappropriate movie for man friends to watch together - Friends With Benefits.


Nevertheless, yes, I forgot to roll for Red Thirst...AGAIN!?! I don't think it would have saved my Tactical squad sitting on my home objective, but it might have saves my Termies who just played the part of melted butter to 5 stinking Incubii with PWs!?! My DC and DC Dread effortlessly exterminated a Warrior squad and Raider. My DC SR whiffed tremendously on the same squad on Turn 1 but then disembarked hell while whiffing on a Ravager (TLMM & TLAC!?!) that moved 12" but thankfully PotMS and a single Bloodstrike Missile cratered his other Ravager that only moved 6" and got no cover save.

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