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Help with warband

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OK, so I've decided that my core warband will be made up of one these:

Tiger Claws

Extinction Angels

Dragon Warriors


Now I've read the wiki and lexi articles about them and was wondering if anyone had come across them in IA volumes 6-whatever number they're at now (I have 1-5) or any of the novels.


Like, are the Extinction Angels still in the bowels of the forge world from the 13th Black Crusade? :lol:


Is it possible that half or a full company of Tiger Claws to have turned to Chaos, or for half to a full company to have survived then turned traitor? ;)


And what is up with the Dragon Warriors? Will they work with other renegades or are they just all Khornate crazies totally dedicated to killing off the Sallies? :P


I'm guessing that the articles I linked to have all the info there is on them...but I figured I'd ask anyway. :D


Thanks a bunch in advance! :D

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Tiger Claws- it's certainly possible. I quite like their colour scheme incidentally, but a bit beyond my skills. It's heavily hinted that any survivors of the company that was found are now Red Corsairs. I like the idea (note that his is my OWN idea, NOT canon) that they actually became the Claws of Lorek.


Extinction Angels: As far as I know they're still there, but I'd say they're unlikely to be touched by games workshop, so they're probably fair game for fluff expansion.


Dragon Warriors: I have nothing more to add, other than like all renegades, alliances may be struck. However faithful/faithless said alliance may be.

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But considering that we have the Claws of Lorek who are most likely descended from the Red Corsairs, you could write up that one Tiger Claw broke off and decided to rebuild his own Chapter and recruits fellow Renegades and they all wear the colors of the Tiger Claws.
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Thanks for the replies! :lol:

It was as I figured then...well, no matter.

If I go with Tiger Claws it's gonna be a Captain and remnants of his Company that have reappeared from the warp.

The Extinction Angels will be a Captain that led his Company off to plunder the shipping lanes during the 13th Black Crusade.



This is what I'm working with:



Termie Lord with dual claws

5 termies with reaper, chainfist, powerfist, 2 combi-meltas

10 possessed

10 CSM with 2 flamers, champ with power weapon

8 Berserkers, champ with power fist

10 CSM with 2 meltas, champ with power weapon

10 CSM with 2 meltas, champ, power weapon

1 Oblit I'm converting from a techmarine with servo harness

1 defiler with auto-cannon and extra ccw

3 Rhinos and a pred turret.


Space Wolves:

15 CSM painted as Space Wolves, champ with combi-bolter & power weapon


Dark Angels or a successor:

Sorcerer on bike (converted Ravenwing)

10 Havocs with 4 plasma guns, icon of tzeentch, champ with plasma pistol & power weapon.(converted Dark Angels)


Silver Skulls:

10 Raptors with 2 flamers, champ with dual claws

Venerable dreadnought.


So as long as I can come up with a reasonable excuse why all these fools would work together I'll be good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Dragon Warriors are definitely not Khornate. If anything they lean Tzeenchian, but are undivided. The salamander novels show them to be led by a sorcerer called Nihilan. He is respected by the warband greatly, something I can't see a khornate warband doing. I don't recommend that wiki; too much fan fiction/wishlisting and false info, use lexicanum.


The dragon warriors are where I'd go. They were founded by a black dragon librarian, and have a large number of traitor salamanders and iron warriors. They also absorbed some tainted marines malevolent for a while. They use possessed, they had at least one soul grinder (almost a defiler), use lots of melta weapons and flamer.



Edit: Are you saying your warband is made up of traitor space wolves, traitor dark angels, and traitor silver skulls? Or that they have teamed up with chaos marines? I'd keep it simpler than either if I were you. Without changing your army colors much you could take skyrars dark wolves, and fallen. Unless there is a reason for the silver skulls, I'd just paint the raptor cult silver, give them a cool cult name, and roll. If you want a silver dread, dragon warriors have iron warriors in their ranks. Doubt a dread would care for a new paint job anyway.

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Hey Fortnight, I don't want to be picky but the Salamander novels actually say that the Black Dragons Captain Ushorak founded it an that Nihilan is a Salamander bent on resurrecting him. He is also one of two Salamanders. There is no clear information on where everyone else comes from except for a squad of Marines Malevolent IIRC. Don't mean to be notpicky sorry.
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No worries man, it's on page 63 of firedrake, when Nihilan gathers his forces. He addresses his warriors and says that they're storm giants, black dragons, iron warriors, marines malevolent, and salamander no longer, but now dragon warriors all. It's easily missed, I just remember it because it as a good example of how renegade warbands are so heterogenous.



Edit: I forgot Ushorak was a captain, I was thinking that he was a librarian like Nihilan.

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