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Power Fist Assault on a Rhino


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Can someone explain how to properly calculate the vehicle damage done to a Rhino in the following assault:


5 x Terminators assault a Rhino from the front with Power Fists. As I undersand it, they get 2 base attacks each, +1 for charging, so that's 15 dice.


15 dice, hitting on 3+, STR 8 (double model STR), Armour 10 (Rhino rear armour).

1 scores a Glancing hit, 6 score Penetrating hits.


A D6 is rolled for every hit right? So, 7 dice in this case. Are they all rolled together, or rolled separately and each result is accumulative?

What happens if the results are: Glancing: 4 Penetrating: 3, 1, 1, 5, 6, 4


Is a Power Fist AP1 or AP-?


Your thoughts/comments are appreciated :)



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First of all when hitting most vehicles you don't use WS (Walkers being the exception) but the speed at which a vehicle moved... Auto hit if it is stationary for example.


For every hit you roll a dice... In this case S8 V AV10 requires a 2 to glance and 3+ to pen.


If you have models going at a different I resolve each I in order. Not an issue with the power fists here.


Then roll all the dice on the appropriate damage chart... I tend to roll penetrating hits first because they are more likely to destroy a vehicle.


Roll on the damage chart and add any applicable modifiers (positive or negative, in this case the power fists have no modifier!)... As soon as you roll a 6+ (including modifiers) you don't need to roll any more... Just apply the vehicle explodes result (unless the vehicles uses a special damage chart like the ork trukk.). If no 6+ is rolled then apply any 5s... Vehicle destroyed.


Should you get no vehicle destroyed (wrecked) or vehicle destroyed (explodes) apply all other results. Now it has been a while since I've played so forgive me if I make a mistake here... Any excess weapon destroyed results become immobilized and any excess immobilized results become weapon destroyed. Should a vehicle have no remaining weapons left and be immobilized and suffer another weapon destroyed or immobilized the vehicle suffers from vehicle destroyed (wrecked).



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To sum it up.


Roll to hit:


Vehicle didnt move or is immobilised: auto hit

Moved 6" or less: 4+ to hit

Moved up to 12" or more: 6+ to hit


Roll to damage: strength + 1d6 per hit calculated against backside av of vehicle, (must exceed or be equal to).


Dont roll failed results

Roll all glancing results (all at once)

Roll all penetrating results (all at once)



-Vehicles are not Walkers.

-Some vehicles have special rules that might change the above, Eg Leman Russ tank (if iam not mistaken)

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Hellios / Spacefrisian


Thanks for explaining this so simply, I understand it now. I forgot to mention that the Rhino had moved less than 6", which you've reminded me of and rolls were made to hit on 4+ to compensate for its combat speed.


So Power Fists are 'AP-' or just ignore any AP value because they are power weapons? The reason I ask is because I was using Vassal to play this particular game and its 'Vehicle Damage' was not immediately obvious in whether I should select 'AP1', 'AP-' or just nothing. But from what you're saying there are no modifiers anyway.


Cheers, it's so much clearer now. That'll teach me to play at 2am with a fogged brain!



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So Power Fists are 'AP-' or just ignore any AP value because they are power weapons? The reason I ask is because I was using Vassal to play this particular game and its 'Vehicle Damage' was not immediately obvious in whether I should select 'AP1', 'AP-' or just nothing. But from what you're saying there are no modifiers anyway.


Fists are not AP1 or AP- so you would need to select the 'nothing' option I think (not familiar with vassal).

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not to be rude but I am a little confused as to how these questions came along, as it is clearly laid out in the rulebook in the section dealing with vehicles (pg 56-73, though the aussult specific bits are on pg 63). With the posible exception of the AP bit (close combat weapons have no ap values so no change at all on the vehicle damage table).
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not to be rude but I am a little confused as to how these questions came along, as it is clearly laid out in the rulebook in the section dealing with vehicles (pg 56-73, though the aussult specific bits are on pg 63). With the posible exception of the AP bit (close combat weapons have no ap values so no change at all on the vehicle damage table).


While I don't consider your comment at all rude, the point that I think you are quite likely missing is that some of us are still learning the rules ;) Even reading the rules, verbose as they may be, sometimes leads to further questions and asking others who have many years of gaming experience can help to clarify an issue in someone's mind. It's not the first rule-related question I've asked, nor will it be the last :)



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Vassal probably has the AP 1/AP - distinction for damage tables purely because AP 1 weapons get +1 on the damage table.


So for that purpose, powerfists are 'AP -', stressing the quotation marks. Remember though, only shooting weapons have an AP value.

to be clear, there is a massive difference between 'no AP' and 'AP -'.


AP - rolls on the damage table at -1

close combat attacks simply dont have an AP, so effectively work the same as AP2-6 ranged weapons



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Vassal probably has the AP 1/AP - distinction for damage tables purely because AP 1 weapons get +1 on the damage table.


So for that purpose, powerfists are 'AP -', stressing the quotation marks. Remember though, only shooting weapons have an AP value.

to be clear, there is a massive difference between 'no AP' and 'AP -'.


AP - rolls on the damage table at -1

close combat attacks simply dont have an AP, so effectively work the same as AP2-6 ranged weapons



Yup, good point. I was lost in my own analogy!

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