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Thousand Son Army

Claws of Corax

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Hi Guys (and Gals).


I am tempted to collect a thousand son army. My concern is that the Chaos Marine Codex isn't kind to Thousand Sons.


I am therefore thinking of using the Grey Knight Codex to do so.


Do you guys think it would be viable?



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It's downright popular! :rolleyes:


A lot of players use the GK codex to get the everyone's-a-psyker feeling. So long as your opponent knows what coded you're using and they're okay with it: fine.


One question: are you planning on Pre-Heresy or Post?

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Post Heresy. I have too many loyalist armies.. BA and my own chapter.


Now it's time to have a bit of chaos fun.


Second Question: Should I wait for the rumored new models for TS's? Or use the ones already available?



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I have too many loyalist armies

Then you had better not use Ahriman. :D


I think the Grey Knights are a horrible representation of Sorcerers, since I'd imagine you're not using any Rubricae.


ATSKNF? I don't think so. When a sorcerer starts to lose a fight, he just teleports off world. Self survival.


What will you do when the Chaos book has kick ass Thousand Sons options? Redo the army completely after all your psycannon psychic power conversions? If you do use actual psycannons, have fun tearing those off after painting them.


What I mean to say is that to truly play Thousand Sons when the next cool book comes out, you'll basically be buying a second new army since all the Rubrics don't have FW/stormbolter, and will make up the bulk of your real Chaos army. So looks like all this work would tempt you to stay in the GK codex. I am not against Counts-As, but I would hate to see you explain to a Thousand Sons player that you play GKs with your Thousand Sons miniatures. I encounter this a lot.

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Okay, this is my (somewhat biased) opinion. You want to play thousand sons, play thousand sons. If you got into the thousand sons because of the awesome fluff, your only option is the C:CSM. If you want to play GK, play GK. If you really like thousand sons, you will have the thick skin to play using the current codex for (if the rumors are correct) a few months

Sorry if I sound very critical, but I have a deep hatred of this sort of codex-jumping. There are rules for Thousand Sons, so use them.

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^^^ I can agree with this, there was a time when I was the only space wolf and grey kjnight player in my area, look what happened to them. This could be both agood and a bad thing. The main advantage of being the only one is that A people are unsure how to deal with your army, especially if you keep converting new stuff, and B you rarely have a problem getting a game as people want to play you rather then one of five ultramarine players who's armies are all similar.
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I hate to sound cocky, but if you are afraid of losing just because of the crappy chaos book, I've done pretty well lately with Thousand Sons. Mostly luck, I'm sure, but if I can beat GKs consistantly (as an example) then why would I want to use their codex to represent my legion?


Come to the dark side. It's fun.


I don't share cookies, though. Others might.. but I fight for mine.

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Post Heresy. I have too many loyalist armies.. BA and my own chapter.


Now it's time to have a bit of chaos fun.


Second Question: Should I wait for the rumored new models for TS's? Or use the ones already available?



Ah, you play BA...I can see why you wouldn't want to do pre-Heresy 1kSons then. More red?! :devil:

I've heard of C:GK used for pre-Heresy ones (personally I use the straight C:SM but I often get asked why I don't use C:GK).


For post-Heresy I don't know. Ah-a-nothepsis and the others are more experienced in that than I. They have a point that there is a new codex in the works...


Model-wise why not use both old and new (and converted) models? Adds variation!

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Having opponents is a requirement to play, so whatever you do, keep that in mind. If you played in my group, I think using GKs is fine. That seems to be the best way to create a sorcerer themed list or the old Chosen Terminator Sorcerers. Those obviously don't have rubrics, but I can still see them as Thousand Sons or early Tzeentch warbands.


I'm also fiddling with a Thousand Sons list. With a large Blood Angels army I don't want another pre-Heresy version.


Ultimately, it comes down to how you want your army to play. Be thankful you don't have xenos. Subbing army rules for them would be more difficult.

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You all make very thought provoking observations.


I'm not a player that wants to use cool rules to win. (Dont get me wrong it's fun)


I want to play Thousand Sons because of the fluff. I like the tragedy to Thousand Sons. The reason I posted the thread is because I had doubts how it would be received, modelling issues etc. I had issues with T Sons having preferred enemy Daemons. The only way I could argue that was saying they serve Tzeentch in the great game between the gods..


I will probably buy one or two units in the coming months and have them painted for the next CSM Codex.



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The Chaos book is still viable, even against the Newest and Coolest.


Which is a fancy way of saying my Necrons got their butts kicked at 2k points by a Chaos Space Marine army with no vehicles on Tuesday. ^^; Although admittedly, he was Nurgled up.

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I would say be true to the chaos marine codex and don't jump on the GK bandwagon. A pure Thousand Sons build from the chaos codex is still pretty damn good. If you're playing for the fluff and not just to get a tier 1 broken rules codex then stick with the chaos codex for now.


Even if we weren't getting a new codex soon I would still advocate keeping the faith and using the correct book. It's all the sweeter when you send GK or loyalists packing using "real" Thousand Sons and the "real" Ahriman, even if they are showing their age a little by now!


But, seeing as we *are* getting a new codex reasonably imminently then it's all the more important to stick with it and ride it out a little longer.


I wouldn't even use the GK to represent them pre-heresy because not all Thousand Sons were psychic, they obviously had a greater number of librarians and psykers than other legions and relied on that aspect of war a lot more but still, codex GK doesn't sit right with me to represent them. Honestly, nothing really fits how they were structured pre-heresy, the best you could do is use the standard marine codex but then break the force organization chart and make librarians elite choice independent characters (much like sanguinary priests). I always go back to this but the Age of the Emperor rule set is perfect for Thousand Sons pre-heresy.


[End ramble]

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  • 3 weeks later...
...not all Thousand Sons were psychic...


My goodness this.


Mindless automata are not well represented by a super elite strike force, nor are wielders of massively destructive magic represented by a dude that improves your cover save, or has smelly grenades.

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...not all Thousand Sons were psychic...


My goodness this.


Mindless automata are not well represented by a super elite strike force, not are wielders of massively destructive magic represented by a dude that improves your cover save, or has smelly grenades.

Just try to make the codex-hoppers believe this too, lol (good luck, you'll need it!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am waiting for the new Legions codex to see if they do TSons justice.

I've looked at all the codexes that could be used, and honestly to represent TSon's even with such limited choices the C:CSM is still the best.

You can't replicate the 4++ or the inferno ammo, you just can't replicate the feel of TSons.


The only reason I didn't get around to actually building my army was because it was $69 a squad of Metal/Plastic TSons and I'm hoping they either release Finecast or a new sculpt before I put in that investment.

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I am waiting for the new Legions codex to see if they do TSons justice.

I've looked at all the codexes that could be used, and honestly to represent TSon's even with such limited choices the C:CSM is still the best.

You can't replicate the 4++ or the inferno ammo, you just can't replicate the feel of TSons.

Amen to that.

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