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Infiltrating chosen

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I have been thinking of using my bits to make a small squad of about 5 rubrics, but with special and heavy weapons, saying the infiltration is a sorcerer teleporting them on.

I was thinking of either lascannon, heavy bolter or missile launcher with a couple of plasma guns and possibly a couple of flamers or combi flamer and just using them along with me havok squad as supporting fire for the rest of my army, and using infiltration to get side shots on enemy tanks and such. Any thoughts? MOT is too expensive, but they would be modeled as rubrics.

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Infiltrating Chosen serve to:


-Provide the enemy with a target other than your rhinos

-Get early game sneaky lascannon shots

-Provide immediate redirection of enemy forces


The problem is that the threat of your chosen is highly dependent upon what loadout you give them. Since this is obviously a suicide mission, it's important to choose autocannon/ML over Lascannon, melta over plasmagun, etc. It's likely that you will only get one round of shooting so it had better count (and be cheap).


I know they're not Rubricae, but recently I've had good in game experiences with the following infiltrating setups:

-Autocannon, Melta Gun x2

-Powerwpn x3, Melta Gun x2



If you are just searching for sorcerous fire support, convert little sorcerers to be casting "spells" and use them as 5 Autocannon havocs. Only 155, and has 48". You won't always have side shots on armor just from infiltrating.

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Infiltrating Chosen serve to:


-Provide the enemy with a target other than your rhinos

-Get early game sneaky lascannon shots

-Provide immediate redirection of enemy forces


The problem is that the threat of your chosen is highly dependent upon what loadout you give them. Since this is obviously a suicide mission, it's important to choose autocannon/ML over Lascannon, melta over plasmagun, etc. It's likely that you will only get one round of shooting so it had better count (and be cheap).


I know they're not Rubricae, but recently I've had good in game experiences with the following infiltrating setups:

-Autocannon, Melta Gun x2

-Powerwpn x3, Melta Gun x2



If you are just searching for sorcerous fire support, convert little sorcerers to be casting "spells" and use them as 5 Autocannon havocs. Only 155, and has 48". You won't always have side shots on armor just from infiltrating.


Yeah pretty much the issue with chosen in a nutshell. I'd always take a squad at least, simply for the "threat" value of knowing that an outflanking unit is coming on at some point. If you give the chosen a rhino and then burn on 12" jump out 2" and then fire melta guns you have a pretty good reach and forces the enemy away from the table edges.


As an aside I would mention that any unit in the chaos codex can really be modeled or altered to make it look like just another unit of sorcerers. For example you can take raptors and model them accordingly to represent sorcerers that can translate short distances (like warp spiders) and then fire close range anti-tank powers (2x melta guns).

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Yep, remember that Raptors with 2x Melta Guns are superior to Chosen with 2x Melta.


-Start on the board

-Suicide Deepstrike

-12" move


They do the same thing Chosen do in that if the enemy so much as shoots at them, YOU are controlling them. It's only 120pts, too. Sorcerers. Pewpew

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Yep, remember that Raptors with 2x Melta Guns are superior to Chosen with 2x Melta.


-Start on the board

-Suicide Deepstrike

-12" move


They do the same thing Chosen do in that if the enemy so much as shoots at them, YOU are controlling them. It's only 120pts, too. Sorcerers. Pewpew


Could even somehow model sorcerers on bike bases and use that unit's rules to represent sorcerers than can move even further distances that have a higher toughness and a "flat out" cover save. :S hmmm i might do that!

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