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7th Company Revilers army


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Hi all. I'm new here on this forum. I have been solely a WFB player for years but have recently gone off it so have turned my attentions to the space marine army I wanted since i was 12 back in 1990!


My plan is to do a 7th company space marine force from the Revilers chapter, a Raven Guard successor. I chose the 7th because i like tactical marines and speeders so where else would i go. The Revilers are detailed in the insignium astartes book and a predator is in the forge world armoured book so I knew the 'codex' look i wanted. The mission is to give them all the markings a space marine should have based on the codex. This means squad, company, chapter and army badges.


I have been painting these for about 3 months now so have a section of the army done. So with out any further ado here are some photos. C&C is very welcome.


tactical marines











Full squads:

Squad 2


Their rhino


Squad 5


Their rhino



Speeder: squad 8






I have started work on the command squad, the apothecary and two veterans are done, once the last two are done i'll get some photos up.


Hope you enjoy

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Aaahhhh a raven guard successor chapter you dont see many of them about.


Yes, the Revilers are seldom seen, maybe it's because freehand painting their insigna must be a royal pain, especialy if you want do build a large force. Congrats for this great paintjob to Reviler :D , must have been a lot of work.

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Thanks for all the positive comments guys. It really helps to feel that other people like what you are doing. Got to love beakies, they are space marines to me, i've of that era and own an original rouge trader I got in 1990. For me marines without helmets is silly. So all my marines will have mk 6 helmets.


I have been lazy on the metallic front. It is so limited on the marines i haven't highlighted or washed it at all. Always something I can drop back and do at some point.


I have been cracking on with the Revilers. I have a tournament type get together at the end of May i'm aiming to get the army done to 1750pts by.


Anyway here is the command squad as a group and individuals.







Also here is my assembled captain, ready for undercoating




hope you like the progress. I am committed to finish the captain and the command squads razorback for the end of the month so an update will follow soon

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There is no such thing as too many revilers.


very true, very true.


update time again. Sorry for the delay but work has been crazy. It is the bigger job tender time of year so have been burning the midnight oil on paperwork.


Anyway. Got the captain done. I have also first base coated the razorback. Mr Chumley Warner on W-E.com has said that my speeders are in so can finish the conversion of the turret which is having TLAC. I have also assembled 4 more tactical marines, only 5 on foot to go including the pointing finger MK6 sternguard metal model who is the sargeant


Captain deVolt, CO of 7th Company of Reserve. Instigator of the Ventris IV Co-operative massacre






I have tired out a painting technique on the power sword, only 75% happy with it.



Need to finish the Razorback by the end of the month. Getting a couple of tactical marines done would be a bonus


Hope you like, C&C on them welcome, especially the sword

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Hope you like, C&C on them welcome, especially the sword


Nice effects on the sword, but a bit too flashy for my taste (I tend to prefer desaturated colors), but it's just a matter of...taste. Personally I would have applied a very light wash of Azurmen Blue over it to tone down the brightness of the colors. Maybe you can try and experiment this on spare bits (as applying washes might be tricky sometimes).

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Thanks plasman, first attempt at the effect and had had three large rums before painting. Will try it again I think. I'm not happy with the blue. There isn't any blue on the army. I'm thinking of doing it purple. Like the salamander captain in the codex.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Update time again. Have been cracking on with the Revilers, keeping to my painting challenge goals so I can get the army done for the Eurobash to 1750pts.


So the last item on my February goal was the command squad Razorback so here it is. I converted the TL assault cannon from speeder AC's. It ;looks just like the land raider crusader turret.





I noticed in this photo that the decal is off centre so have moved this over now

Lastly a close up of the turret



As you know I wast happy with the captains sword so repainted it in purple mirror effect. This is more in keeping with the army colour scheme and the company colour.



Went for a alternate mirror panel effect this time, like the salamaders captain in the codex. It looks better I think. C&C welcome.


I treated myself and bought the IA8 book the other day. It focuses on the Raven guard, the Revilers parent chapter. It's production is great and the story of the raid is really good to. However i was a little disappointed in the amount of info on the Raven guard. It is mostly ork info. However the Revilers got a mention in the end so that made up for it a little. they are deploying in chapter strength to the Forsarr sector to fight orks and protect Deliverance, the Raven Guard home world. The background in the book really makes me want sniper scouts and landspeeder storms.


A Little WIP shot: Tactical squad 3 (the last 9 marines on foot, one is done already)




I got the stern guard pointing figure for the sergeant. Thanks to DariusZero on W-E.com for sending me three more beaky heads as well.

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Nice improvement on the sword. I've yet to get one that good. The black lines on the rhino look inconsistent. Try watering down the black and let it run into the cracks on it's own. I find it give a much more consistent line letting the water take the color where it need to go.


I'm a fan of the beaky helmets keep it up! The troops look great. Should be great looking on a table top. When you get the sturnguard done please post. I'm interested to see how you make them stand out from the troops.

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Thanks for the input Purge. I rushed the painting a little to meet a painting challenge deadline on the Razorback.


I am not doing a unit of sternguard yet. They are just another tactical squad with the metal sternguard as a sergeant.


I plan on doing a unit of vanguard vets. I was going to use the FW mark 6 marine for that complete MK6 look., including the studded left shoulder pad. As first company they will have completely white helmets. White beaks for veteran status, like the command squad, and white tops due to first company instead of the stripe of other companies.

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