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New Wolf from Michigan


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Hey all. I've been browsing these forums and occasionally posting for a couple weeks now, but figured I'd come in here and introduce myself.


I just got back into 40K within the last couple months after going to a friend's house and borrowing his Chaos army for a very fun game. I knew I wanted to be Space Marines, because back in 3rd edition when I played Sisters of Battle I always seemed to have a case of Marine envy. I chose Space Wolves as my chapter, simply because they spoke to me. (Maybe it's the fact that we share long hair and big messy beards.)


I'm still in the process of finishing up my army. Have a couple Rhinos and a Land Raider I need to purchase and paint, but I'm almost ready to unleash my Space Wolves. My Games Workshop of choice is the Hampton Village GW in Rochester Hills.


So, any other Michigan 40k players?

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Where in MI? I've lived in Taylor, D-Town, Lansing, Alpena, and Sault Ste. Marie.

I'm in Roseville. Right off Gratiot near 11 mile. My GW store is 20 minutes away in Rochester Hills.

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Hail and welcome to the forums! If you're interested in finding other Michigan players a good place to start would be the Michigan thread in the Community subforums. I also try to recommend to as many new people as I can to head over to the PCA forums and start a WIP thread to showcase their painting and conversions. I've been lazy with my own thread recently, but it's still one of my favorite ways to interact here, and the critiques and suggestions I've got from the community here has helped my hobby out a lot. Again, welcome to the B&C!
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Thanks for the welcome guys, and thanks Max, I posted in the Michigan forum, and also found something called the 40K Fight Club which definitely piqued my interest. I'm more motivated than ever to get the last of my army purchased and painted and start fighting as often as possible.
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You're welcome! It's worth it to post an intro in the states threads because not everybody keeps up with the new members sub-forum, but some people might subscribe to their home state thread and so get an email alert when you post there. A good way to catch locals you might otherwise miss.
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