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Alpha Legion cell #379


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Well, after being on a modelling and playing break for a while(non-voluntary) I am back in the game again. Just when they nerfed us in the FAQ as well, yay... :ph34r:


My old cell #379 is on the warpath again, eagerly training while waiting for the new codex! Hopefully I will still be able to use my old guys when it comes, and hopefully I'll have a painted army by then! (part of why I am posting here, I needto force myself to paint!!!)


I'm just too embarrassed to post out in the WIP part, hehe... Btw, sorry in advance, I SUCK AT PHOTOGRAPHY!!!


First my proxy zerkers: (only six done so far)





And here's another squad. It's made from leftovers...





And a few termies:



Due to the fact that I got a bit bored of powerarmour for a while I collected a few renegade guardsmen...which I hope to use in the next codex! A while ago in the lair we had started fleshing out a character for another user on there, and when I came home drunk one evening I wrote a small fluff part of him, which I kinda grew fond of. I need to convert him, but I also need a bit help with his story...


+++The Iron Mask+++


The inquisitor was looking grim. He had always had a serious face, but this was something else. Bron had only been in the retinue for a few weeks but inquisitor Rand was very social and he had gotten to know him pretty fast. Where he himself was impulsive and impatient, the inquisitor was patient and collected. Unlike himself he went after the ones working behind the scenes, the ones that were organizing and coordinating the gangs. This particular gang of bandits and rogues had been roaming around the slag-pits for almost six months now, and had been showing some serious signs of deviant behaviour. It was only the devotion and conviction of the inquisitor that had brought them to a last stand at an old mining complex. They had been tenacious, holding on to every single piece of territory as long as possible, but were now reduced to a motley crew of raiders and gunmen making their last stand in a hole in the wall. This was all an all too common scene in the underhive since the arrival of inquisitor Rand, the only difference being the odd rumour about their employer. Rumours that had been popping up all over the place in the last few months. More specifically a rumour about a man in a mask. An iron mask.



Dispelling his own thoughts, Bron swiveled around at the sound he had heard, a sound that was impossibly close! However his primed weapons were lowered as he saw a man stepping out of the shadows behind him, a man of huge proportions. "Astartes", whispered Bron, unable to withhold his amazement. A man could be considered lucky for seeing but one astartes in his lifetime, but as an old grizzled veteran of several campaigns, Bron could now name two such occasions. Though they were two different chapters, the impact of the meeting was the same and even for an astartes the man was large, his armour plain and riddled with marks of constant warfare. Las- and autoweapons had slowly eroded his outer layers of colour during the weeks of combat in the underhive and Bron was amazed at the fact that he could see the blueish green-tinted plating below it, taking it all in as a reference for future meetings. The lack of insignia and colour befuddled Bron as he knew astartes valued them immensely, though he deducted that the underhive and the constant strife provided few opportunities to repair such advanced armour and equipment.


"Lord inquisitor Rand, sergeant Bron, well met!"


The voice was coarse and without emotion, spoken through the vox-grille of the powered suit. As the astartes did the sign of the aquila over his chest, they both answered the salute. Inquisitor Rand had requested the assistance of a nearby chapter to help clear out the last pockets of resistance, as the casualties amongst his men had started to increase exponentially the last month. They would fare better where mortal men failed.


"So this is where we will find the missing clues about your nemesis, Rand?" The inquisitor gave an angry look and nodded. "Yes, Emperor willing, this ends today. Assemble your men and do your duty."


The astartes warrior turned around and walked to join his squad, who seemed to have appeared out of thin air behind them.


"Weapons at the ready, formation delta three!"


The assault on the mine was swiftly underway with the astartes squad in control of the mine entrance within moments. Explosions echoed around the area as the squad disappeared into the darkness of the mine, only to leave behind the sounds of battle coming from within. The retinue had been told they'd only be in the way in such a short ranged assault, they had been advised to stay out for their own safety.


Maybe this time he would finally be able to ascertain the whereabouts of the man in the iron mask, Bron hoped...


<snip snip>


How could this be?


Veteran Sergeant Bron verified that he was alone another time before he looked back down in the documents. He couldn't believe his own eyes, all this time he had been so sure, so confident in his knowledge of the truth. Yet with time he had begun to suspect something, a gnawing doubt in the back of his mind. The experience of being in an inquisitorial retinue had not only strengthened his deductive capabilities, but also given him ample opportunities to search through records and scriptures. The result was surprising and he knew that if the inquisitor found out he'd be killed, or worse.



Bron slowly began to realize that it was all connected. Inquisitor Rand, the mysterious astartes squad, the rebel gangs and the man in the iron mask.






Maybe this is my man Bron? I haven't decided yet...


The coat is going to be more brownish in colour though, and markings are missing on him and the marines. I just haven't dared to start freehanding yet... :)

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Heh. He'd bee a perfect objective for your army, to "recapture" him.

Hmm, yes, if it weren't for the fact I use my renegade guardsmen as lesser daemons... :lol:


When I don't include them as troops they will be objectives though.



Troops are sprayed and awaiting colours...err...commands!


I might use this guy as Bron instead though, it's a bodyguard for my IG CCS...and the Inquisitor/Man with the Iron Mask is going to be in there anyway...


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