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eh no!

after deepstrike you cant assault you can run but not charge.


when taking shrike, take 8 vanguards with PW 3 SS and JP hide the squad behind a building.

and just wait for it. when in range 19"to 24" jump, run, fleet and killl


dont have the c:sm here but dous this work on bikes?

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Nope, doesn't work on bikes as bikes can't run in the first place. All fleet does is allow assault after running.


But, I'm pretty sure in the main FAQ tucked away there is a passage saying that fleet doesn't overcome prohibitions to assault. So for example you can't normally assault when deep striking, and fleet doesn't remove this restriction. This should probably be in OR though.

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Yeah, no fleeting then assaulting after deep striking (despite what I would wish for as a Daemon player, how gross would Fiends be if one could Deepstrike them, fleet d6" and charge 12".) Also no running with bikes unless your name is Khan.


I don't think the DS thing has been FAQ's but the rules say not assault after deepstrike, being able to assault after running does not change this.


THe question is can vanguard vets fleet and assault after deepstriking, I cannot remeber off the top of my head, I know they for go the ability to shoot, but does that mean they cannot run?

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If Vanguard Vets perform a Heroic Intervention they cannot run. Again, fleet is an attachment to running, it lets you assault after it, so if you cannot run you cannot fleet. So no would be the answer (C:SM pg62).
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Unfortunately it is not super reliable.


1.) It needs to be on the table at the beginning of the turn in which they drop. Which means that the unit needs to survive long enough to use the beacon. This can be mitigated by having a lot of beacons, and can draw fire on things like Drop pods, but it still needs to be alive.


2.) It needs to be within say 14ish" of your indended target when the vanguard enter. Which scout bikes can pull off if they survive, but pods are fairly easy to move away from(or kill).


It definitely can work, but then you are investing a decent number of points (beyond the vanguard) to make it work.

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tried a lot of different options to run as a shrike list and the best i've found is lots of TH/SS termies and cc scouts. Vanguard are too expensive and too much of a crystal hammer. To give them anywhere near the survivability of termies they end up costing more, and still don't have a 2+ armor save. Also in the post dark eldar/grey knights 40k world their paltry 4I is just stupid. Better to use shrikes rules to bring a fat unit of TH/SS termies that start 18inches out from the opponent and sneak in another space marine captain with JP SS and relic blade silliness. Then bring either another 2 units of assault termies or one and a dreadnought in drop pod (prolly an ironclad). As heavy choices i'd bring a thunderfire or 2. Fast attack bring a typhoon speeder or 2. And finally as troops all cc scouts. This is where first turn can be stupidly devastating against a non cc enemy. Your scout sergeant bring with PF and then either combi melta or more likely melta bombs (though both are fun to think about, though sad and scary if u miss with the melta shot). Also a teleport homer on the sergeant could come in handy though it makes him cost more and more :(


Anyhow its pretty straightforward after that. The scouts also deploy 18inches out, but get a sweet scout move...then move (benefiting from move through cover if needed) then fleet, then charge....so ya if you get first turn it pretty much guarantees a charge. Also add in the nasty fat unit of termies that can't get a first turn charge, but will get a second turn one. And 2 captains that will. And maybe that drop pod with dread. Then turn 2 maybe more termies coming via deepstrike to that nice lil homer/LB on the drop pod.


Now this list is a bit of crystal hammer when it comes up against nasty cc stuff (like a deathwing or loganwing all termie list :( ). Also u have to change the strategy up a bit if you don't have first turn, but then just take advantage of terrain and wait out the one turn of shooting they get before you're in their face.

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