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Kol Saresk

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Sorry but the Imperial Armour volumes are a little too expensive for me to justify buying them, which is kind of my problem with having an actual army to begin with, but I just wanted to know which Chaos warbands actaully survived Vraks. If I'm correct, the fluff outside of Imperial Armour and what I hear suggests that the Sanctified and the Skulltakers survived. Were there any others?
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Well the Alpha Legion warband "The Faithless" didn't, that's for sure. Arkos and 14 others got captured by the DA and are most likely being "interrogated" by their chaplains...nobody taken to the dungeons in The Rock ever escapes I think... (maybe the Alpha Legionnaire "Clint" can though :D )
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Well the Alpha Legion warband "The Faithless" didn't, that's for sure. Arkos and 14 others got captured by the DA and are most likely being "interrogated" by their chaplains...nobody taken to the dungeons in The Rock ever escapes I think... (maybe the Alpha Legionnaire "Clint" can though :lol: )


That's operative Sean connery actually

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Well the Alpha Legion warband "The Faithless" didn't, that's for sure. Arkos and 14 others got captured by the DA and are most likely being "interrogated" by their chaplains...nobody taken to the dungeons in The Rock ever escapes I think... (maybe the Alpha Legionnaire "Clint" can though :lol: )


That's operative Sean connery actually

Sorry, I'm showing my age...


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The Skulltakers absorbed the Berserkers of Skalathrax, and also subjugated the Black Brethren of Ayreas (black legion warband), presumably survived.


Sanctifed allied with Skulltakers, presumably survived.


Steel Brethren, presumably survived.


The Purge survived- vaxhallian genocides in which they participated are dated AFTER vraks


The Apostles of Contagion have a history of surviving when everyone thought they were dead. I'd go with them surviving, despite heavy casualties.


The Lords of Decay are CURRENTLY being pursued by Imperial forces, so it safe to say they survived the siege.


The Tainted got themselves a Daemon Prince in the form of Mamon, a former human on the planet, but his whereabouts are unknown after the war. That ones open ended.


The Faithless are all dead or captured by the Dark Angels as stated before.



Hope that helps. :sweat:

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Their schemes just like the Violaters scheme, maybe a tad darker. Although, I found all the schemes in the book darker than their GW counterparts. They're described as a "small renegade corsair group under former Sons of Guilliman Captain Adharon." There's a mention of a Kynbaex Mutiny, but that is literally all there is there.


Ah I quite like the Ultras. *hides.


EDIT: I just saw that their symbol is a skull and crossbones. Ahoy there matey... ;)

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Colossus, I'm not sure I like you anymore. I can't get Adhorn's Reavers out of my head because they have the same color as the Violators. The only thing I didn't like about the Violators was the Slaanesh thing. And now I found a warband. But the name Reavers has become so mainstream. And I just made my own. I don't know what to do! ;) :P :(
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Colossus, I'm not sure I like you anymore. I can't get Adhorn's Reavers out of my head because they have the same color as the Violators. The only thing I didn't like about the Violators was the Slaanesh thing. And now I found a warband. But the name Reavers has become so mainstream. And I just made my own. I don't know what to do! ;) :) :(


Awe wouldn't be true servants of Chaos if we liked each other now would we? :D


Truly, you are blessed by the Changer of Ways. Haha.


I agree, Reavers has become too mainstream. You could fit them into your DIY? Just a squad to start, and expand from there? Or just take the colour scheme, and use it for your DIY?


The whole things tempting me now. Damn forge world and their books. I must admit, I really like the Vraks books, especially from a Chaos POV, and it includes my two favourite powers, Khorne and Nurgle. HOWEVER, I kinda overlooked the Reavers to start with, their colour scheme is on the same page as the Alpha Legion, so it almost blended in.


Just my two Kraks :D

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Well the Alpha Legion warband "The Faithless" didn't, that's for sure. Arkos and 14 others got captured by the DA and are most likely being "interrogated" by their chaplains...nobody taken to the dungeons in The Rock ever escapes I think... (maybe the Alpha Legionnaire "Clint" can though :) )


That's not capture, it's infiltration!

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Colossus, I'm not sure I like you anymore. I can't get Adhorn's Reavers out of my head because they have the same color as the Violators. The only thing I didn't like about the Violators was the Slaanesh thing. And now I found a warband. But the name Reavers has become so mainstream. And I just made my own. I don't know what to do! :( :angry: :(


Awe wouldn't be true servants of Chaos if we liked each other now would we? :P


Truly, you are blessed by the Changer of Ways. Haha.


I agree, Reavers has become too mainstream. You could fit them into your DIY? Just a squad to start, and expand from there? Or just take the colour scheme, and use it for your DIY?


The whole things tempting me now. Damn forge world and their books. I must admit, I really like the Vraks books, especially from a Chaos POV, and it includes my two favourite powers, Khorne and Nurgle. HOWEVER, I kinda overlooked the Reavers to start with, their colour scheme is on the same page as the Alpha Legion, so it almost blended in.


Just my two Kraks :)

Actaully I've already fit it into my DIY and I'll update it on the Warbands Name thread when I get back home. I'm going to add it as part of a caste system with the Sons of Gareen.

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Well the Alpha Legion warband "The Faithless" didn't, that's for sure. Arkos and 14 others got captured by the DA and are most likely being "interrogated" by their chaplains...nobody taken to the dungeons in The Rock ever escapes I think... (maybe the Alpha Legionnaire "Clint" can though :P )


That's not capture, it's infiltration!


That's the surprise ruined, then. :angry:


Let's just hope the DA forum doesn't find out. :)

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Colossus, I'm not sure I like you anymore. I can't get Adhorn's Reavers out of my head because they have the same color as the Violators. The only thing I didn't like about the Violators was the Slaanesh thing. And now I found a warband. But the name Reavers has become so mainstream. And I just made my own. I don't know what to do! :( :sweat: :P


Awe wouldn't be true servants of Chaos if we liked each other now would we? :cry:


Truly, you are blessed by the Changer of Ways. Haha.


I agree, Reavers has become too mainstream. You could fit them into your DIY? Just a squad to start, and expand from there? Or just take the colour scheme, and use it for your DIY?


The whole things tempting me now. Damn forge world and their books. I must admit, I really like the Vraks books, especially from a Chaos POV, and it includes my two favourite powers, Khorne and Nurgle. HOWEVER, I kinda overlooked the Reavers to start with, their colour scheme is on the same page as the Alpha Legion, so it almost blended in.


Just my two Kraks :lol:

Actaully I've already fit it into my DIY and I'll update it on the Warbands Name thread when I get back home. I'm going to add it as part of a caste system with the Sons of Gareen.


Sweet, glad I could help... :(

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