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Melta's Dark Angels


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Here is a group of Dark Angels Space Marines that I have been working on for a couple of days. I used Chaos Black for the base coat. The main armor color is Dark Angels Green. I used highlights of 50/50 Dark Angels Green and Bleached Bone. For the Robes I the base color I used was Skull White. I painted Bleached Bone next and washed the robes with Gryphonne Sepia to make the cloth look dirty.







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Very nice DA :tu: love the single claw and your treatment of the robes.


I think you have a great painting style, but three things you could do to improve these and future models ten-fold:


• Drill out the weapon barrels.

• Pay more attention to mould lines - boring I know but really does make a huge difference.

• Thin your paint a bit. On the drop pods it's looking a little thick maybe.


I would also say a final wash with a watered down Badab Black wash might work wonders over the armour and boltgun metal in particular. This will sit in crevices and really throw out the depth of the detail.


Best of luck with your continuing DA collection Meltagun.




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