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What colour guns for my Storm Fists?


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Hey all,


Been working on the test model for my Storm Fist's colour scheme and have hit a snag. I have no idea what colour to paint the gun!




I don't want to do it anything bright like Red, as the overall feel of the model/army is meant to be quite dark (the flash actually made the blue a lot lighter then it really is). I also don't want to do it Black, as black and dark blue don't go well together in my book, and having it the same colour as their armour wouldn't seem right either.


I will most likely do the plasma core either Pale Blue or Bright Red (like the eyes), to make it stand out when he's in a unit.


Any advice would be great, cheers :no:

huh... grey sounds good actually (cant believe i didnt think of grey) :yes: like... maybe Charadon Granite -> Codex Grey or something, i like it! and red does sound like it would go well with that too


Thanks a lot ^^ super helpful!


Sometimes we forget to make things realistic looking with all of these bright colors flashing around ;). Glad you enjoyed my suggestion. With the plasma core red would look nice but may look overdone if it matches with the eyes too much but you won't know till you try right?

why not boltgun metal? It is a metal gun after all.


Honestly, I'm just not a fan of silver and gold together ^^; well there are some exceptions, but it's not really a look i want on this guy... i know, im may too picky XD thanks for the suggestion though!


Sometimes we forget to make things realistic looking with all of these bright colors flashing around :). Glad you enjoyed my suggestion. With the plasma core red would look nice but may look overdone if it matches with the eyes too much but you won't know till you try right?


too true, and having a bright Pink and Blue VC army probably doesnt help me in that regard either :P and also true, I'll give it a go and see how it looks at least :D should hopefully be alright though (the eyes and plasma things on my chaos marines look fine and they're all done in the same colours as each other too)


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