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HQ joining Command Squad


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Ok, here is what I was wondering. If I have a Space Marine Captain with command squad, the command squad has an Apothecary that give the FNP rule to the Captain and squad. Now if I have a MOTF with Servitors, can they join the command squad to form one large squad and therefore gain the FNP rule as well? If not, why not?

I was thinking that the combination would be expensive pointwise but fun to try.

Thoughts / opinions are welcome if reasons are provided to backup your points.

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The master of the Forge could join the Command Squad (and the Captain). The Servitors are not. They are their own unit, separate from the Master of the Forge. He may unlock the ability to purchase that unit, but he's free to leave it (and then cause Mindlock on the Servitors). Attempting to add the Servitors to the Command Squad would be like trying to add a Tactical Squad to the Command Squad.


The only things you can join to a Command Squad are those with the Independent Character rule.

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Thanks for the clarification. I was looking for a way to increase the command squad to fill a drop pod as the command squad is limited to 5 plus independent characters; even with the MOTF that is still only 7. If I can't group them all together and take the advantage of FNP for everyone then it becomes better to split them up and put the captain and commnad squad in a razorback like most people I see doing. Then leave the MOTF out on his own and give him the conversion beamer with his servitors in cover and just fire at stuff the entire game.

Although I still may try adding MOTF to the squad with the harness and gaining the fnp would really make him much harder to kill.

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