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codex and painting help


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its been many many moons since I last assembled a chaos army, nearly 2000 points of Black Legion, and with whispers in the warp of a new codex, I decided that now was a good time to start planning and testing out a few ideas.


Firstly, until the new dex is released I've been torn between using the space wolves or the blood angels dex. I'm planning on creating a renegade chapter that has only recently turned to the all inclusive fun club of chaos. They're pretty close combat orientated, perhaps with some khornite musings, though they haven't yet realised what that voice inside their head is. so what is the general consensus on this? Wolves over Angels?


Secondly I need a little advice on colours. My fluff has the chapter losing their faith in a chem desert of some back-water forge world. As such, their once proud silver armour has become stained or corroded. I've got oxidised copper in mind, so kind of a pearlescent green/blue. I've tried drybrushing turquoise blue over silver but it looks a little to close to the astral claws for my liking? All suggestions welcome!

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Wolves for the infantry, BA for the vehicles. Depends on what you want most.


MotW for nutcases, or Blood Rage for entire squads? At least with MotW, you can pick the models you want to be a little "coocoo"


If your base is silver, I'd start with


-Boltgun Metal

-Badab Black wash


Followed by a generous wash of:

-1 drop Khemri Brown

-1 drop Iyanden Yellow

-1 drop Mechrite Red

-20 drops of water


For this wash recipe, mix it on a flat piece of tin foil or a clear plastic sheet to keep it all in one big drop.


This is what it looks like on green. I'd imagine this wash on top of silver would be the effect you want (look at the bolt pistol and the area behind the knees, both of which are boltgun metal based).


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