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Hive Guard and vehicle cover saves


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My head hurts :D .


Can we just say it's an inbetween state and be nice and give them their Stealth, considering Hive Guard are taking away smoke cover I think it's fair ;).

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Stealth is the 'source' of the increased save, over the Ruins 'natural' 4+ save.

Stealth is not the cover save. The terrain is the cover save; Stealth modifies the terrain cover save.


A unit with Stealth that has Gone to Ground will not get a cover save against the Impaler Cannon because their save is not sourced from terrain.

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Q: Can a unit take cover saves from any source other than the terrain they are in, or touching, against Wounds caused by an impaler cannon? (p47)

A: No.

As the source of the cover save in our example is terrain, then they may use Stealth to improve it :teehee: The Impaler Cannon ignores cover saves that are created from sources other than terrain; it does not ignore "outside" cover save modifiers. ;)


I do agree with you, though, that the FAQ is poorly written, since it addresses Wounds only. :lol:

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Sematics mate. ;) And belive me, it's nothing I'd argue. LoL!


But taking a ruin as the source of the save, the ruin gives 4+. That's it. Any increase to that is coming from an outside 'source' even if it's a modifier to the save, or a modifier to the dice roll.


But again, I really don't think this is worth pursuing, and it's nothing I'd argue in faovur of.

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