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Relentless Conversion Beamers!


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A friend of mine is building an army list that’s going to include a Master of the Forge. He’s planning on putting him on a Space Marine Bike and giving him a Conversion Beamer so he’ll be relentless with the beamer. I have yet to find a rule that would prevent this, but it sure smells cheesy to me. What do you guys think about a, potentially, strength 10 relentless beamer on a bike?
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This is actually a valid and accepted tactic. Keep in mind that as useful and "cheesy" as it may seem, there is also the issue of having to be far enough from the target to get the strength 10. This can actually be difficult in alot of missions and the strength drops quickly depending on range.
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One of the best ways to keep your your conversion beamer at full power, I wouldn't say it's cheesy. Also remember that he gives up the servo-harness for it so won't be able to repair his tanks nearly as well, and unless he plumps out for a bike squad of some description it's a single model target that can die from a single lascannon shot. Yeah, legal tactic, not that cheesy.
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