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Greetings from Sweden!.. ow and Flesh is week!


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Hi there brothars in power armour!

Iv ben reading alot on the forum the last month or so and you all seme like great people! So I thoght Id stop lurking and start posting my self :)

So about me... Im a 25 year old warhammer player from Stockholm Sweden. Iv always ben a Orc player both in 40k and Fantasy.

Until about two years ago I ended up reading some fluff about the Iron Hands and Ferrus Manus and I was kinda floored by the awesomeness of the chapter. Ferrus especialy.

So I placed my Orcs in the display case and started building and painting Space Marines! :D (crazy wierd for me)


My army is well on the way by now and I will be posting my progress here for you to se soon in hope of c&c.

There is so much for me to learn about the space marines... and there are alot of gaps in the Iron Hands fluff but your threads here have already helped me alot!


So yea, Hi! and I hope my stay here will be long :P

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But bionics have always ben my thing and now I can go crazy with them!

Ah, Iron hands surely aren't any more crazy than Orks in that manner...? ;)


Welcome, brother!


Same amount of crazy :D


Yea, I cant get enough of the chapters history. And I cant wait to get my hands on http://www.blacklibrary.com/all-products/wrath-of-iron.html

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