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Army Painter Color Primers

Brother Theseus

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So do any of you have experience with both the Pure Red and Dragon Red? Which do you prefer for your Sons of Sanguinius? Are the shades different by a lot? I'm asking because I've started my army with Pure Red, but now am in possession of a can of Dragon Red. I want some opinions before I try it and lose my chance to possibly exchange it for Pure Red.
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This may be influenced by the humid Florida weather, but I have found that pure red is a match for blood red if used on plastic models. Pure red on metal to me looked comically bright, and so I use dragon red for those special metal models. I haven't used either on finecast yet.


If you're looking for a deep crimson red dragon red is what you want. If you want a pure blood red force (convenient!) use pure red primer. It's simple for prime, drybrush blood red, wash, highlight. These primers save a lot of time.

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All depends what kind or red you are going for.


I went dragon red then devlan mud over the top. I was going for a real dark red almost maroon.


Not a big fan of the bright red as it looks a but too cartoony for my tastes.


One thing I must say about blood angels. Even though their are lots of them around I don't think I have seen the same two shades of red.

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I do prefer dragon red primer myself. Although I use it more as basecoat and first primer before adding more colors. I give them black wash or devlan mud wash afterwards and then dry brush with citadel blood red. The result is pretty good but I usually finish my blood angels with vallejo bloody red. Its nice vibrant color but without being too bright. I find dragon red suiting beautifully on my blood angels tanks. With light Devlan mut on crevicess its almost then ready for weathering, albeit next tank I will try my "Baal pattern camo" just for sake testing something new :angry:
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