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how to paint a bird?


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so I am making a kitbashed Coteaz for my LPC vow, and it involves a hooded falcon from the Bretonnian range. I've never done feathers, and since the GW painting site has been "suspended", I'm curious if any of the brothers here have any tips... I know DA have an abundance of feathers on there models, and some SW have the Chooser of the Slain model...
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The trick the feathers is the highlighting. You'll be tempted to drybrush it all - my advices is don't.

Use thinnish paint and highlight from inside to edge. This causes the stroke to be stronger at the end. Repeat with a couple of lighter shades for each colour. At the high end you can knock saturation off by VERY gently drybrushing the edges of the feather with a ligh bone / buff.


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