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Lesser of Two Awesomes


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Ok, I've got a 5000 point per player Apoc match set for March 17th and I stand at a fork in the road. This is possibly the toughest list I've ever tried to decide between. So I'd love to hear what all of you would do in my place. As the core of my force, do I field an;


A. Standard Battle Company.


B. Veteran 1st Company.


I chose 5k points so I could do this and still have roughly 750 to 1000 points to add some of the shiny BA goodies to.


I've got the models to do either of the two above and honestly I'm conflicted. I LOVE using Sternguard, but at the same time... to see a full Battle Company in play would be amazing.


So please sound off and hit me with your opinions, feel free to throw in personal pros and cons. As it stands now, I'm leaning slightly towards the Battle Company.

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tbh a battle company is alot better suited to take all comers ^_^ and you'll lose less manly tears when a full unit of your men dies. youll still have plenty and the unit wont have cost you an arm and a leg :o


then again its apocalypse so you should expect everything to die.... so my next point: battle company has 2 devastator squads, which against super heavies is pretty much a good idea to bring along :)

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a battle company is composed of: 6 tactical squads, 2 assault squads, 2 devastator squads, 1 captain, 0-1 chaplain and any number of transports


dont know the first company, i think its composed of 10 squads taken from any combination of terminator, close combat terminator, sternguard vets and vanguard vets with a captain in termi armour


or somesuch ;)

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Wait wait, if your battle company is coming in at 5000 points you're doing something wrong.... They should be 3000 at the maximum! Plenty of points for a battle company and some sternguard...


Total I came up with for the Battle Company with a couple Pred's tossed in and a Land Raider for the command section was close to 4k. So I have plenty of room to play with.

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Yeah the battle company sounds awesome. Don't forget the dreadnoughts, as there is one or 2 per company.


Planning on one Furioso Libby and a Standard Furioso. kicking around the idea of some DC and a DC Dread with the extra points. Not sure yet, as I have a serious Love/Hate relationship with DC.

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I would go with A :yes:

Which coy are you fielding for the dreds as company 2 and 5 have 3 dred's and 3 and 4 coy have 4 dred's each


Fleshtearers, haven't really decided on which company. My overall goal is to field the entire chapter in an apoc game some day. I figure with roughly what 4 companies left I'm about 1/4th of the way there, so why stop right?

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