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My completed LPC 2012 units


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This is the first time I've actually posted in the Hall of Honour... it's quite an exciting time!

So my LPC Vow was to build and paint a 10-man Devastator Squad, a Razorback for them (for when they Combat Squad up obviously) and a 10-man Boarding Assault squad outfitted with some of the IA9 stratagems...

So this is where I'm up to: The Devastators and their Razorback are done, as are 4 of the Boarding Marines. I have almost finished the next 3 (see my WIP log for images):



I am finding these guys quite hard-going despite the shields being awesome. I'm not sure why... anyway they look cool when finished!

And then:


Devastator Squad Epheus


Sergeant Epheus himself, and the business end of his heavy weapons,


And perhaps my favourite Marine ever - he looks totally Badabass (arr har!)


And finally, their Razorback. I still haven't settled on a name, but Calibrous Maximus seems oddly appropriate...


A quick close-up of the twin-linked Assault Cannons. This is basically just a cut-and-shut job on the Forge World heavy bolter Razorback turret with plastic Terminator assault cannon barrels and some big-ass drum mags from their Deimos Predator...


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Thanks :tu:


I picked up the FW Deimos Predator but I wanted to spread the bits around slightly, so that's where the front plate is from. The Razorback turret was just a case of clipping the muzzles from the heavy boltes and delving into my bits box for a coupleof plastic assault cannons, which I snipped off just behind what I call the 'motor', just in front of where the Terminator's hand is. It took a bit of blu-tak work to get then lined up properly, the I just added the drum mags to the sides where some of the 'techy bits' on the sides of the heavy bolters were. Liquid greenstuff to fill any gaps et voila.

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Thanks fellas (or indeed ladies if such ye be!)


Captain Semper - it's a basecoat of Tin Bitz, overbrushed with Dwarf Bronze then Shining Gold and finally drybrushed Mithril Silver for that burnished effect. Quick, dirty, requires a large brush but I am quite proud of the result.

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And perhaps my favourite Marine ever - he looks totally Badabass (arr har!)

Where is his bolter from? Is it one of the Forge World ones?


Very nice Minotaurs. I love the boarding shields, might have to get a set for myself soon.



Thanks dude - the bolter is from Marneus Calgar's Honour Guard, in fact. Nice use of Badabass :blush:


I have the final 3 guys for the Boarding Squad basecoated and almost finished, so while time is running out I should get them finished...

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