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Over the years, I've had a bit of an on-off love affair with 40k.


But I've finally started that army of World Eaters I've been meaning to raise for three editions. I've got a campaign due over the summer and I'm already falling behind the painting...


Dice are not my friend and I fully expect to be on the receiving end of all that killing, maiming and burning. So, I'll be taking the character building approach to the army rather than being ultra-competitive.


Any advice, tactics and rules wise, would be much appreciated. I'm certainly going to be checking out everyone else's experience with the World Eaters.

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Hail and welcome brother! Good to hear you've finally taken the plunge and got involved. I think you'll find the dice to be fickle masters for quite alot of us here, me included. They tend to either favour my antics known as playing a game or utterly hate me. I recall one shooting phase against a friend a few months ago I rolled nothing but ones and twos. Suffice to say it was facepalms all round. :)


Anyhoo, hope you find the info you need here and don't be afraid to ask questions. If you don't ask you'll never find out. :)

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