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Fun with Apocalypse!

Reclusiarch Brad

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Had a really entertaining experience with ~7000 points of BA today. I took "The Death Company," "Dante's Sanguine Host," whatever the flamestorm formation is called, and the masters of the chapter (using seth). On two occasions (yay Reinforce?) the Death Company killed 110 Orks in 1 round of combat. The first time, only Lemartes, Astorath, and the dreadnoughts got to go (I ran out of guys to kill before I started rolling normal guys), and the second time, Astorath and 5 Marines did it! Yay Blood Talons for a unit rerolling to hit and to wound!


Dante's Sanguine Host was massively entertaining. They basically spent turns getting teleported around the board (counts as deep striking, a special rule in our game tied to certain objectives) popping the nastiest CC units I could find, which was always Dark Eldar stuff. I took like 4 casualties in the formation.


Chapter Masters were ok. Ambush was very nice, prevented a unit from doing anything one turn. Orbital Bombardment killed loads of Tau Suits.


The Flamestorm formation was kind of a let-down. It got to do its special attack once, and then my ork opponent got the message and spent an entire turn popping it. To be fair, not its fault.


Mephiston was A MASSIVE SCREWUP! I'VE NEVER ROLLED SO POORLY. He got into combat against Drazhar, with Furious Charge. Passed Sanguine Sword, Drazhar was enthralled, I figured Drazhar was dead for sure. I proceeded to roll 6 ones to hit. On the reroll, hit twice. Rolled 2 ones to wound. Rerolled and got snake eyes. Worse still, Drazhar got one wound with his instant death weapon, and Mephy rolled a 1 on his save and died. That set of dice is being crushed up and sprinkled over its friends as an example.


The most entertaining unit I took was Sanguinor. For fun, I gave him Legion Relic, which makes his attacks S10, and doubles his attacks. He was in the same area as the Chapter Banner at all times, so got a truckload (10+) of attacks per turn. He popped everything in his path, including Vect, Lelith, Drazhar, a unit of beasts, and a heaping helping of Tau stuff. Despite taking a massive amount of shooting attacks in return (keep in mind, nothing survived against him in CC) he took 0 wounds the whole game. He made back his points and then some.


All in all, a super fun game. Highly recommend the Death Company formation, and playing Sanguinor with Legion Relic is utterly broken. My opponents motioned to stop calling him Sanguinor and start calling him Sanguinius. Motion passed!

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they are the ones described in the OP...

Dante's sanguine host- several sanguinary guard squads and one honour guard squad with dante that can all deepstrike with no scatter and assault straight off. very nice


a death company strike force with astorath, lemartes and lots of DC and DC dreads. Any wounds caused by anyone in the formation allow them to roll and extra attack...kinda like red fury for vampires in warhammer :tu:


a stormraven strike force with terminators in them and a few special rules.


and a flamestorm force with a land raider redeemer and a few baal predators that can all fire their flame weapons together.


It gives us several nice BA flavoured formations for apocalypse battles so we aren't restricted to the space marine ones!

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