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Help with Space Hulk minis


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As the title suggests, I need some help with my recently acquired Space Hulk TDA minis. The main thing I am looking for here is some suggestions or steps I can take to eliminate the bulky 'peanut' bases without damaging the feet of the actual model. I figured what better place to ask such a question, then in the BA forums where some of you Brothers have had this experience already. I know that it can be done, but before I possibly butcher my semi=precious models I want to do a bit of research.


And thank you for any advise given that makes this process a quick, clean, and unharmful (to me, but mostly to the model) process.


For the Emperor and Sanguinius!!


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To be honest, I've found that if you just glue the bases to a 40mm round base and then sand/flock over it they don't look too bad. Slightly taller than normal Term's but that's fine for such great models.


If you do want to remove the bases, I'd suggest using clippers to cut away the plastic leaving a few mm's around the feet leaving 'pegs' under the feet. Then trim/file that down until the feet are flat.

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I just stuck mine on the terminator bases and flocked them to hide the join. Looks fine even if they are slightly taller than the other terminators. I think they are anyway. If it bothers you, you could make the terminator base shorter by cutting down the rim or just scratch making one out of flat plastic. I wouldn't damage the minis. there are few enough of them in the world.
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I cut out the plastic around the feet and then used a rough metal file to wear down the bases to the feet. Oh my trouble. only some of the models have both feet on the same plane. Which means I ended up filing into some of the feet to keep the bottom of the models even. None of them turned out too bad but I would not do it that way again. I'd go with chaptermasters method if I had it to do again. I think his look great.
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Easy. Like above you use snippers to chew off the majority of the base. You then take an x-acto and clean up around the edges of the feet and carve off some of the plastic so you have less to sand later. Then you get a sanding stick and set the model on it and proceed to slide him back and forth. If you trimmed his base right he should stand on the base with an equal amount of plastic on both feet between the sole of his boot and the bottom off the remaining base. Sand up until you are at the sole of the boot then use a blade to trim off the tiny tendrils that remain around the edges. Pin one leg to a resin base and voila!
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All great suggestions here, thank you all!!


I am concerned about 'defacing' a limited edition model(s) that are not cheap and or easy to get ahold of, this is certain.


I like Winterdynes idea (and AMAZING looking models, holy crap!!) for a couple reasons: less work over all, and they do set down into the base thus looking a normal height.


Chaptermasters, your models are also exquisite looking and the slate on the base hides the clunky base very well. This is also an option for me.


Right now I just lightly glued the to the 40mm bases for play testing.


I had an idea to try and sink the 'peanut' base within cork boarding, has anybody tried this technique??


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I did the opposite


I converted my other terminators, and dread, to be on space hulk bases.


A quick glance and most people can't tell the difference (some even assume I have multiple space hulk termies).


No one I have played against had cared about the smaller bases.


Despite this I use the smaller bases for movement and an imagined larger base for templates and enemy charges

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for the few i have gotten my hands on i used plsti-card and cut out the sam shape that are on space hulk minis feet , mounted it on a termy base and used a small drill to make holes the plasti-card / space hulk feet base, base it in chaos black then brush bolt gun metal across it to make it look like a star ship deck and/or factory decking, came out prity well actualy.
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