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The Plagues of Nurgle


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Anyone with a biological immune system would/should be susceptible to Nurgle's plagues. However, if you mean Nurgle's influence in a completely general sense, anyone who can be touched by the warp can fall under the Grandfather's powers. So if a Nurgling sorcerer can manage to get the Necrons to start rusting and falling apart, then yeah they're screwed.
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Anyone with a biological immune system would/should be susceptible to Nurgle's plagues. However, if you mean Nurgle's influence in a completely general sense, anyone who can be touched by the warp can fall under the Grandfather's powers. So if a Nurgling sorcerer can manage to get the Necrons to start rusting and falling apart, then yeah they're screwed.


I meant both Nurgles plagues and his influence, but that is pretty cool (take that Necrons) also would other Daemons be affected then???

Good old Grandfather Nurgle no one is safe from him whether they are freaky xenos robots or a squishy human.

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That would depend on what exactly is going on between the daemons. The BL authors like to pick on Nurgle because he's always tough until the daemons come out but then he's doing everything he can just to survive like in Palace of the Plague Lord and the second Malus Darkblade novel whose title currently escapes me. Personally since he is supposed to be a force of entropy, as the non-Nurgle daemons are fighting him somewhere within his field of influence(i.e. temple of plague cultists, his pestilential gardens, fighting a nurgle-aligned army etc) they should suffer some sort of reppelling sensation that is forcing them away since he out of all the Ruinious Powers literally fills his dominions on the microscopic level. In a fight between him and Tzeentch, I'd have to say it would be whoever drew first blood since Tzeentch would breathe life and cure the plagues while Nurgle would keep trying to smash it beneath his heel into the snot-ridden mud. But that's how I think it should go down.
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I'd agree a Nurgle sorcerer could, say, let a Necron rust to pieces in seconds. But how's that different from throwing something at it (a stone, a bolter shell, pure warp energy, ... you name it)?! That's different from being susceptible to the Grandfather's ruinous power. A mindless machine can hardly be affected by cynicism, despair, or fear of its physical limitations, e.g. death. That's precisely how Grandfather gets you, and it's how he doesn't if you don't care. Of course, a machine is also not directly affected by any disease.

You'd have to answer the question -- and I actually can't answer it -- how mindless that machine, or that Necron, really is. As far as I know, Necrons are something like guys trapped in machine bodies by C'tan? So they might not be completely mindless; but they usually behave as if they were.

Just my personal opinion: I'd say they are not susceptible, nor is any machine entity.


Cheers, JT

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The original fluff was that all Necrons were the Yngir trappped in metal bodies by the C'Tan but they were "programmed" so that they were completely emotionless and had no individual thought or personality. Then it was only the Lords had souls but suffered from the same side effects. Now it is starting to look like only the Lords have souls but they also have personalities and free thought. As a result, since the necron bodies are supposed to be made of a self-repairing(including rust) metal, if one started to rust, the Lord would start to freak out because his "immortal" body could be at risk of being destroyed. When it comes to the Necrons and the AdMech to a degree, it wouldn't be the rust in total so much as a Nurgle-empowered virus that could switch from biological to technological. Especially since the Necrons act as a collective(yes I realize I'm treading on Star Trek territory), one bad drone could have the potential to infect the entire collective unless the Tomb Lord(or other equivalent) stops it. That would make fear and would then fit into the territory of the Grandfather.
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In the new Codex, The both the Destroyer and Flayed One units are also described as "Infected" with various corruptions. While the Destroyer virus merely makes them be dedicated to everything living, the Flayed ones, are described as slowly going insane, and soon degraded to nearly mindless slaughterers. (Much like the Dornian Heresy Nurgle Blood Angels in Fact ;) ) The Flayed one Curse is described as a curse from one of the defeated C'tan, but it's communicable enough there is an entire necron kingdom where only the Overlord is unaffected.

Plus we know that there are warp-powered "scrap code" that can infect and destroy human machines, so I don't see why Papa Nurgle can't makesome thing for Necrons. If anyone can put the fear of decay back in the necrons (It was why they originally went metal) it would be the God of Decay.

So Yes, I can definitely see there being a virus that can infect necrons. Some of the anti-warp defenses are the only things that could possibly hold it back, and they can't be everywhere....

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I think that I also saw a mention of scrap-code in a teaser for Know No Fear, but I'm not sure how important a part it plays in the plot.

Scrap code seems to be a catch-all term for rogue programs, viruses, and just anything that goes wrong with programming, so some of these are probably better resources than others.

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