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VAGABOND's Adeptus Custodes Forgeworld Challenge


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^_^Well it's that time again when I decide to give myself a little challenge and try working on a few things to a deadline. I've got a tournament up in Fife (Scotland) on the 4th March so that's 18 days away and it's 2000 points and I thought I'd take my current army I've been working on with me.


I mentioned earlier on in the week I was participating in another tournament down at Warhammer World where it was Glasgow Vs Carlisle. I won my first 2 games against Tyranids & Grey Knights and got a draw against Deathwing in the final game. I managed to win Best Grey Knight Player, 2nd Position overall and the one I was aiming for...




Now as a present to myself I bought some new toys at Forgeworld.




3 Relic Contemptor Dreadnoughts

6 Contemptor Autocannon Arms

Mk 2 Pre Heresy Land Raider

Land Raider Imperial Eagle Doors


Wish me luck guys! :P

Nice haul.


If the doors are actually LR eagle doors and that is a MKIIc the side doors won't fit, they are actually sized as rhino doors. I read somewhere FW are doing packages of MKIIc doors specifically to cover the variation.


Something I found out the hard way myself ;)

Wow quite a few replies, right first of all..


Keith - First thank you dude. Today just happens to be Valentines Day aswell so you could have told your other half to buy you 40k. :tu:


Biohazard & Lord Andreas - It was advertised on Facebook since the start of the year but I'm not sure if it was well known. It's sold out from what I know of and me and a friend were lucky to get places. The tournament itself is called Chaos Of The Warp but like I said there was limited spaces.


Marius Perdo - Yeah I know I just found out the hard way aswell and realised that. I'll phone Forgeworld tomorrow and see if I can find a solution.


Contemptor Dreadnoughts: Built and will probably spray them tomorrow.




Land Raider mk2: Had slight problem with resin fit on both the top section and back of the tank were exhausts should be. A few mm out for a perfect fit but will fix it tomorrow and fill the gaps with Green Stuff but it's barely noticable.



Land Raider mk2: Had slight problem with resin fit on both the top section and back of the tank were exhausts should be. A few mm out for a perfect fit but will fix it tomorrow and fill the gaps with Green Stuff but it's barely noticable.




Unfortunately that is not a surprise with the MKIIB LR kit, it can look great with work but the fit on mine was frankly awful. I had a 2-3mm gap at the front down each side and a similar problem with the rear panel. The sponsons didn't fit well either with gaps around them and issues with warping which weren't that straight forward to fix due to the amount of resin involved. It looked well once built and painted but I'm in no hurry to build another. A lot of it looks to be shrinkage in the resin the masters no doubt fit fine but the castings are a bit hit and miss.


I must admit that the new 'old' LR kits have me interested though :cry:


Best of luck with your FW builds and don't forget to keep us up to date with your progress :tu:

Unfortunately that is not a surprise with the MKIIB LR kit, it can look great with work but the fit on mine was frankly awful. I had a 2-3mm gap at the front down each side and a similar problem with the rear panel. The sponsons didn't fit well either with gaps around them and issues with warping which weren't that straight forward to fix due to the amount of resin involved. It looked well once built and painted but I'm in no hurry to build another. A lot of it looks to be shrinkage in the resin the masters no doubt fit fine but the castings are a bit hit and miss.


I must admit that the new 'old' LR kits have me interested though ;)


Best of luck with your FW builds and don't forget to keep us up to date with your progress :)


It was a slight shrinkage but nothing too bad. Yeah they actually discontinued it for a while because of casting issues but when I was told it was on sale yesterday I just had to have one to fit with my Custodians. The side sponsons seem to fit well for me just a little gap but can easily be fixed wit Green Stuff.

A small present to yourself.


I did that once, wife was not pleased when she opened door to an out of breath postie with a big box marked forgeworld.......


I swear the catalog they send out is like a drug dealers handbook!

Marius Perdo - Yeah I know I just found out the hard way as well and realised that. I'll phone Forgeworld tomorrow and see if I can find a solution.


Bugger, given your time constraints it is a pity to hear that ^_^ I was lucky as in I have a load of FW fists/eagle doors of various kinds knocking about so I just robbed Peter to pay Paul so to speak. I hope FW can sort you out in time.

The tournament is held in Fife, Dunfermline as far as I'm aware but can't remember the name of the centre it's held in.


I gave Forgeworld a quick call this morning and they will send out the Rhino Doors asap! They have fantastic customer service those guys and will always do they're best.


I will try and finish the Land Raider today if I can so it's only a matter of gluing the doors when they arrive.

Can't wait to see how the looks will be of your land raiders!

You did an amazing job with the count as grey knights!


Sorry dude I didn't even see your post, thanks for the compliment mate and I'll try my best to make them look as good as my Custodians.


Land Raider is fully built and filled the gaps with green stuff then sanded it over to smooth it out.


I'm heading into GW tomorrow for more games and to test out a new 2k list using my new toys and will spray them tomorrow if I can once I get home.

Update time!


The doors for the Land Raider arrived today so I can now start work on it after I make adjustments to my final list for this tournament as my list has to be emailed to him by tomorrow or I can't take part.






I also added a few more detaiils to my Emperor's Stormraven and to maybe try get extra brownie points...








More updates later when I start painting..

More updates!


I got stuck into painting my Relic Contemptors tonight, so did the basecoat for the weapons and armour. I started highlighting and doing some details here and there.


Here's what I've done so far in 2 and a half hours.










What do you guys reckon so far?

Update time once again!


I've been a busy guy since yesterday and been painting like a machine trying to get these guys finished. I was pleased with how the first one came out and got started onto the next 2. I also bought myself a new camera and been using that for the new photos.








Army display




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