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Crisis of Faith

Kol Saresk

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Don't get me wrong, I'm not thinking about leaving Chaos. I just don't know what to do as far as Chaos is concerned. I've been a loyal Night Lord(yes I realize the irony) since I first read Lord of the Night like six-seven years ago. But due to my financial situation of being unable to get into the actual hobby, I've been living in the fluff world of fanfic. It's ironic that I found out about the hobby through BL. Recently though, I don't know which way to look. I look at the Night Lords and I feel like I'm a part of the bandwagon due to the massive influx of Night Lords thanks to A-D-B's novels. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan. But there are also the Word Bearer novels that have caught my eye, and this huge hype up over Know No Fear has really caught my eye. Then I got Heathens trying to recruit my under the banner of the Hydra. And I even made my own DIY warband called the Sons of Gareen. Basically I just don't know which way to turn since background fluff can only hold so much. Does everyone who walks the Eightfold Path go through this or is it the rarity?
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I suggest making a unit you've never had before from the codex (if there is one) and include it in your list for a month. Mix up different legions.


Alternatively, fight a battle against yourself with two different armies. It will give you perspective and you might even find out some tricks you didn't notice before.


I got caught up with Thousand Sons and Death Guard and have no interest to start any other faction/legion, but I understand what you're going through.


Word Bearers might be an interesting thing for you to consider, and you might not even have to make a whole army of them. How about just spending a few hours on a dark apostle and maybe 10 marines, then including them in whatever you currently run?

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Aha- He doesn't have the actual models because of a financial situation.


Kol Saresk- It's very difficult when you aren't able to buy/paint/play with the models. Still though, figure out what you like most, whether it's a legion/warband that has traits like your own personality or something else entirely. You can even have multiple legions or chapters in a single warband so you could incorporate your love for both word bearers and night lords together. Or have a squad of both legions join your renegade chapter that you created. The only limits here are what you can think of with your own creativity.



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Cool thing about 40k is the breadth of the hobby. It's ok to lose interest in one area only to gain it in another. There are video games, table top games, board games, roleplaying games, painting competitions, artwork competitions, fan fiction competitions, Personal fluff, Canon fluff, etc. Even if you can't get directly into the hobby, you can still enjoy the hobby. I freaking love the night lords, everything about them. When Soul Hunter was released it added a whole new perspective on them, and indeed called many to join in. I have no problem when somebody reads something cool and goes with the crowd. There isn't a thing wrong with it. How many people do you think picked up Iron Warriors due to those novels, or Word Bearers before them. Sure some may lose interest, however it doesn't matter because they add to the hobby either way. Don't worry about those who cry "Bandwagoner!". It's hard to recognize the uniqueness of your snowflake in a blizzard. But if it doesn't snow hard, your snowflake is going to melt.. or something.


Besides model kits all start out the same, and there are only so many colors you can paint these minis.


As far as which warband you want to use... It's up to you. There is nothing that says your Sons of Gareen cannot be a Night Lords warband who fought with and absorbed an Alpha Legion warband, or vice versa. The Skull Takers are a World Eaters warband who absorbed several others from different legion sources. Don't worry about everything being set in stone either, if it was supposed to be, GW wouldn't come out with a quarterly retcon.

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Thanks partly to the few Night Lords threads that popped up here and the resurgence in the Night Lords WIP threads, my faith in the VIII Legion has been renewed. Although I will be keeping the Sons of Gareen as a Fanfic DIY. I already have their first(what I hope is the first at any rate) puece of fanfic working out now. In fact I have the entire plot down, I just have to add the details. :D and thanks again Ah-na.
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