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Bran the redmaw, now a MC


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But I still think he is infatery... It does not say anything about removing infantery witch is what he i labeled with in the books.


Monstrous Creatures still can not be transported in vehicles and your premise relies on him being both at the very least. More importantly a unit cant be more then one type like that.

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its a similar argument to giving a jump pack to an IC.. it doesnt explicitly say it changes unit type.. but common sense must prevail.

there are set precedents to go by.. you cant be a monstrous creature and infantry at the same time.

when he wolfs out treat him like a greater daemon IMO

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So what happends if he transforms while he is inside one? And can he transform outside of the game, say if he is coming in on a drop pod? I am confused.

Then he immediately disembarks from the transport, as he is no longer allowed to be inside it.


If he's in a drop pod, then when the drop pod lands, he immediately disembarks.


Simple. B)

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Monstrous Creatures still can not be transported in vehicles and your premise relies on him being both at the very least. More importantly a unit cant be more then one type like that.

Actualy there is NO rule saying MC cannot be transported in vehicles, the rule is that you must be infantry to embark. I do support that models can not be more than one unit type at a time though (although you are still incorect that units cannot, as units are often made up of different models, the most common examples being artilery, hive tyrant+guards, and IC joined with units of a different type)

its a similar argument to giving a jump pack to an IC.. it doesnt explicitly say it changes unit type.. but common sense must prevail.

there are set precedents to go by.. you cant be a monstrous creature and infantry at the same time.

when he wolfs out treat him like a greater daemon IMO


Actualy the rules for jump packs DO explicity say it changes unit type. Its chaos wings wargear(and space marine bike wargear) that fails to change the unit type.



So here is how this plays out by RAW, nothing happens, there are no rules that prevent MC from being in transports, the only thing that prevents it normaly is they are not infantry, and the rules for embarching say only infantry can embark (and specificly mention jump infantry do not count as infantry). Of course by RAW this errata doesnt realy do anything at all as monsterous creature is not a special rule, but a unit type, so unless they define the monsterous creature special rule it makes no more difference than having the purple special rule. Yes the RAI is fairly clear, but the RAW is increadably slopy, and plain out incorrect for what they were trying to do.


Realisticly in a game, yeah, you should just play it like the greater deamon posesing a chaos model, but by RAW which is what the OR board is technicly for, it doesnt mater because they screwed the pooch on this rule entirely.

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Monstrous Creatures still can not be transported in vehicles and your premise relies on him being both at the very least. More importantly a unit cant be more then one type like that.

Actualy there is NO rule saying MC cannot be transported in vehicles, the rule is that you must be infantry to embark. I do support that models can not be more than one unit type at a time though (although you are still incorect that units cannot, as units are often made up of different models, the most common examples being artilery, hive tyrant+guards, and IC joined with units of a different type)


Yes quite right I should have edited my post and thought about it before I posted -_- . The only thing is that Artillery Units are all a single unit type the same as Jump Infantry/Infantry/etc it does have a mixture of vehiclish/non vehicle models though.

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