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Have you ever wanted to own multiple armies of the same 'dex


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So, here's the thing. I love my Blood Angels. I'm still painting them, lots of works in progress... unpainted I have several thousands of points of them.

But I also love the Flesh Tearers and the Lamenters (and the Angels Sanguine, but I made my choice between them and BAs a while ago).


I gave some thought to collecting armies of each, but they all use the same codex (not to mention that I paint abysmally slowly and it'll take me forever just to finish my BAs). Does anyone own multiple forces that use the same 'dex?

I thought, perhaps, I could make a force of each for, say, 1500-2000 points apiece... specific lists. That way I could keep collecting BA's, but I'd have an outlet for my FT & Lamenter love.

Has anyone experimented with this? I'm still unsure, and my list-making skills aren't top notch.


I'd like to collect other non-BA forces as well, but in the back of my mind I'm always thinking "Man, I'd really love to field some Lamenters to reflect my terrible luck" or "I *love* the Flesh Tearer's scheme and coloring.. and WHITE Death Company? Come ON!"

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whilst im forcing myself to stick to my own successor chapter. ill admit i would aso want to build several ba succesor chapers. i would think something like ba- assaultmarines, fleshtearers- mounted assault marines and death co. lamenters- tact squads. oh and a sanguine army using a squad from each chapter... and a dreadnaught army from the half and half army... etc... this way whils using the same codex you could ave very different forces both playwise and looks wise... and apoc wise you could do the defense of baal and use the lot...

(never mind using other codexes to represent the parts we cant fro our dex, such as marine dex to play a biker army, wolves to form one of the first cos, chaos t pay blood knights(just to be a little different...)

... if only i had money...

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I say finish what you have first, then think about it. I want to build up my Templars again, but I've got 7,000 points of marines to paint up in several different chapters first. But although not Blood Angels, I did always want to collect Imperial Fists to have every chapter of the Three main chapters of Dorn. If I only ran those armies all from the same codex, I don't think it would get too boring. That's the great thing about Special Characters. You take one and it completely changes the whole aspect of your army. It may have similar rules, but a whole different play style. In my opinion, it would take a while to get boring.
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I don't think it would be boring at all, unless you simply had three identical armies painted in three different schemes.


One of the best things about C:BA is that you can make a massive variety of lists from the one Codex. I've just finished my 'take all comers' 4th Company army and am now starting to put together my 2500pt Death Company Airforce list. When that's finished I'll do a pure Descent of Angels army led by Dante. After that, I'll probably put together an army where every squad has a LR transport. After that maybe I'll do a mech spam army. Then maybe a DoA and Drop Pod hybrid army.

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perhaps you can do some special units under different colours? like for example painting white death company and/or flesh tearer terminators alongside your force?


theyre succesor chapters so it isent so unlikely that they would be fitting together right? ;)


or do like me and add a sternguard squad with every model beeing from different chapters (deathwatch squad ;)) a great fun project to do i must say ;)

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This isa a really good question that i asked myself for ages.


In the end ive decided to add a fleshtearers assault force (SR, Rhinos and 2 RAS and 1 JP squad) as well as 2 tactical Lamenters squads with rhinos.Pics when there getting painted.


BAsically i love Astartes, and have collected at least a squad from each main chapter as well as countless tacticals from various successors etc.


If it makes you feel all obsessive and get more out of your games - then i say go for it!!!!

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Eh, I've got an interest in having multiple BA geneseed armies too but only to use the other characters and sweet paint schemes. However, with BT and WB it's difficult to justify a 4th marine army especially one that is once again a close combat oriented group. The primary deterent though is the thought that for every model you buy for a different color scheme in the book that unit could instead be bolstering your primary force. Just buying 3 predators for my BT when my BA already had a few made me second guess the idea. Same thing when I splurged on land speeders for the BT. I'd suggest not doing it unless you're doing a really small strikeforce or something.
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While my current army is Blood Angels, I am not using any successor chapters. I am however, using different play style and at different point levels. My 1500-200 is currently Mech oriented, once it goes higher then that I have a Nipple Wing/DOA hybrid list with some mech back up.


I also play wolves (duh), have a small force of Raven Wing, and have been gravitating towards the shiny new Necron dex and models (HERESY!!!!!).


I think as long as you switch it up, playing out of the same dex can still stay fresh and new. Plus our dex is very versitile, after all we are Space Marines!!


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