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Building Brand New Chaos Army


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Hello all, I'm a Space Wolves player but am building a second army to allow friends (and my son) to have something to use if they dont have their own army when they come over. I may occasionally use it myself, as well.


So far I have the Battle Force. What would you recommend adding to that? What are the "Must have" Chaos units, for a generic Chaos army?

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If you want to be competitive there are only really two lists. However, they aren't the most fun in the world to play with or against.


Assuming you're going to be playing smaller point values and want to play against a fairly hard, but still fun list; I'd take 3 units of CSM 5 Strong each with Melta, and Combi-Melta Champ in Rhinos with Havoc launchers. Add an icon if you want, but I don't recommend anything other than Chaos Glory for such small units. I'd split up your Berzerkers and take them 2 squads 6 strong, in rhinos again with havok launchers, or with a combi-melta/combi-bolter. Though you'll need more rhinos and a few bits, you should have all the marines you need to fill out your troops. If you want harder troops, take plague marines, which might be the best troop choice in the game... maybe.


For additions, Chaos dreadnaughts make for fun units, while a minimum squad of chosen make for more competitive units if you take all special weapons. If you prefer close combat, terminators are preferred over chosen.


For fast attack, I'd only add in a minimum unit of raptors, if you really like them. The fast attack section has some very fluffy units, but not any really "good" ones. Bikes are also fun, but they also suffer from being overpriced.


For HS, think Oblits if you want more competitive, Havoks only slightly less so. Defilers can be fun, when taken with either all CCW or With 1 Reaper and a CCW. The Chaos Pred is an honorable mention. Think of all other choices as something to be added only for fun or fluff.


Edit: I forgot that you get only 8 Berzerkers in a Battleforce instead of a whole box. Consider using your Possessed bits to add more zerkers. Though Possessed are "fun" in their own way. Another option is to use the possessed bits for your champs and sacrifice a few loyalist bits to mix into the zerkers for a few extra.

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Edit: I forgot that you get only 8 Berzerkers in a Battleforce instead of a whole box. Consider using your Possessed bits to add more zerkers. Though Possessed are "fun" in their own way. Another option is to use the possessed bits for your champs and sacrifice a few loyalist bits to mix into the zerkers for a few extra.


Nooo Khorne is pleased by units of 8. Also you want some spare bodies so that more than 3 zerkers make it into combat.


Anyway... The standard good units are... Apparently... I play a 1kson list so this is just from theory from the playing side although I've battled chaos many a time...


HQ - Daemon Prince with wings and MoN if you so please... MoS if you really want lash of submission.


Elites - BLEH Mini chosen special weapon squads or Termicide (small suicide anti-tank units), dreads are now slightly better as an FAQ now makes people play by the rules >.<


Troops - Standard CSM aint bad and are normally used to take melta to boost chaos' lack of fire power. Plague marines and Khorne Berzerkers are also good.


Fast Attack - BLEH.


Heavy Support - Oblits win by a mile according to the internet. Defilers are certainly iconic and everyone loves fast dreadnoughts with battle cannons! I also like Auto-cannon Havocs as something a it different to loyalist dev squads.


Rumor has it that we can expect a new chaos codex soon after 6th release. Obviously take this with a bit of salt but if you are going to take a while to build your force I would stick with the core units especially if you don't have a warband you want to do.


Oblits are legion neutral so you can get them with no issues unless you are hoping for a better model. All units can be passed off as mercs however so it isn't a huge issue but if in doubt go with the cult units.

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It really depends on what kind of army you want to build. Daemon Princes are better on paper, but in my experience tend to die horribly to massed shooting fairly early in the game. Mine rarely makes his points back in games, but makes for a wonderful distraction. Termies aren't as bad as most people make 'em out to be, a squad of five kitted out with a mix of power weapons, chainfists and combi-meltas are excellent for spending a couple turns hugging cover and then sitting on an objective in the middle of the table - if said objective is in or near cover, it'll take some serious firepower or a massive assault to budge them.


But yeah, basic CSM with meltas and a Rhino are one of the best troop choices for the cost in the game (despite the crappy codex) and you should always have some.

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The thinking behind DPs is that for their points cost they're pretty decent and if they got shot to hell then that means your troops made it across and can start wreaking havoc. If they target troops then the DPs get into combat.....etc. Really our codex is very boring at the moment. If I were you I wouldn't worry so much about competitive for the moment because we're one of the least competitive armies at the moment. Still though we have some awesome models and the conversion opportunities are literally endless. There's also that rumor about the codex so hopefully we'll be getting a new dex here soon as well.
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So I'm gathering the Possessed aren't very good, and I shouldn't use them?


Well... The models are awesome!


BUT, you have better options for what they do and for their price in Berzerkers, Chosen, and Terminators. Their random abilities make them so they can't be planned on by you to operate in a role you may need filled.


That may change in the next codex, it may not. In the 3rd Ed Codex, you rolled 3 times on the list. In 3.5, you picked from the list.


I guess it depends on how much they want you to buy the boxes, but even this can backfire.

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If you are interested in Obliterators then I suggest you buy yourself a box of plastic Chaos Terminators and start converting your own; it is far cheaper and you can do so much more with the models. Take a cruise around Google and just start looking for "Plastic Obliterators" or "Obliterator Conversions". Some fun articles will pop up and you can start to get some ideas on how you want to make your own.
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