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1750 pts planetstrike


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hello gang. i should play a game of planetstrike this week. its been a long time since ive actually played planetstrike and what experience ive got is pretty moot. when the book came out i polayed a game or two or so. so i dont exactly have a well of experience to draw from :P


First off id like to say that im attacking, against an ork player whom i know has hordes upon HORDES of the filthy green xenos. So im expecting to face at least about 2 bastions filled with 30 shoota boyz each.... Now, what units should i defenitly take? I was thinkign 2 assault squads with 2 melta, and a fist, a liby hq to provide SoS against any armour ignoring things he might throw at me and..er...


2 MM AB's and a HF/MM speeder to help pop his bastions.... thats about all i can think off :(


i was thinking assault termies with epi liby in termi armour with SS and UR/SS powers. together with a termi SP. if that unit cant bust open at least once bastion i dont know what will...


but then again ive only played terminators once and that was in a 2500 pts game.... is it wise to bring terminators along? should i take something else that im overlooking? i have no clue what do here :jaw:

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rember that in planet strike anything that can deepstrike essientially gains heroic intervention. we have some of the most accurate deepstrikers in the game... =win...

more seriously ork fire power dosent have much punch but there is alot of it. fnp works wonders.... as does artificer armour. i personally would go for dante and the sanguinor, and maby a libarian. lots of assault squads, meltas and fists, sang guard squads, termys can work but you need a homing beacon, cause they go wrong tey go very wrong... and make sure you look at the book as theres differen forms of bombardment that migh be of much use against the orks.

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I second the Dante comment. Being able to assault on a turn you deepstrike, and not scattering at all with Dante when he deep strikes, is amazing. Throw him into a Sanguinary Guard squad with a banner along with a Sanguinary Priest with a fist, and that's 7 attacks by Dante furious charging alone, and that's a bad day for anyone. As for the terminators, not a bad idea, but remember the risk involved with deep striking on 2d6, either going into your enemy's squad, or far enough away you can't assault but will be sitting ducks. Vanguard Vets will be useless because what they do will be done much more cheaply by RAS marines. Orks are rather soft in terms of armour, so lots of attacks are better than power attacks, so maybe terminators will be a tad expensive for what you want. Then again, there's nothing wrong with having two crusaders rolling forward with terminator assault squads while other marines drop out of the sky led by Dante. . . You know what, that thought just makes me smile :) Play around, have some fun, tell us what you do, and how it worked. I look forward to hearing about it!


*nevermind the crusader and terminators bit, I misread your post and thought it said 2500 points for the game. I say lots of assault squads exactly as you have them kitted.

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I second the Dante comment. Being able to assault on a turn you deepstrike, and not scattering at all with Dante when he deep strikes, is amazing. Throw him into a Sanguinary Guard squad with a banner along with a Sanguinary Priest with a fist, and that's 7 attacks by Dante furious charging alone, and that's a bad day for anyone.

Just want to point out Sanguinary Priests with a fist are always a bad idea. 1 wound ICs do not want to fight at initiative 1.

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hmm you guys arent me telling anything i dont already know ;) so no special "do this and you win bigtime" tactics? dang :(


sadly i dont got dante or sang guard models... i fiddled abit with a list and came up with this:


librarian with jump pack (UR and SoS)

episolary librarian in termi armour with SS (UR and SS) *does it show i like librarians? :) *

2 sanguinary priests, 1 with JP and PW the other with termi armour

8 man termi assault squad with 4 TH's.

10 man assault squad with 2 MG's and a PF

10 man assault squad with 2 MG's and a PF

2 single MM AB's

MM/HF speeder

baal predator with heavy bolter sponsons and TLAC

baal predator with heavy bolter sponsons and TLAC


Its alot like my normal 1500 pts list in hindsight ;) its also 1745 points instead of 1500 pts. i asked him if its ok and am waiting his reply, if he prefers 1500 pts il just strip the baals off.


idea is to bust his bastions asap and get stuck in. i included the baals because i hope they can thin out his huge mobs abit.... he also a huge fan of killa kans (those are the gretchin version right?) so if he adds them i can hopefully save some of the AT for the more tougher stuff :D


ive got no decent way off getting my termies safely on the field though so it IS a gamble.... then again deepstriking always is...




woooo just got back from him, he doesent mind playing 1750 pts :) he asked if i bring some more barricades and the like...hmmm i wonder what hes up to :D

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played that game of planetstrike today and omg did that furioso droppod make a difference :D


il post the full report with pictures later (took a LOT of pictures and need some time to sort it out...) but suffice to say at the end of the game there was 1 big mek in a bastion left standing and the rest of the field was wiped clean of xenos filth ^_^ i took some heavy losses though as the game was a shear meatgrinder!


and after this game, I. LOVE. ASSAULT. TERMINATORS!!!!!!


Seriously these guys were mental! destroying 3 killa kans on the turn they landed, then proceeded to pounce 30 choppa boyz (or whatever theyre called) to dust, then they assaulted and killed 5 burna boyz (or to be more specific they were charged...) then charged the inhabitants of a previous (now crater) battlewagon.


im not sure how much they killed pointswise but they were worth every point that i put in them! most of the shooting went towards them and they shrugged of an inmense amount of shots from ranged attacks and attacks in melee range.


at the end of the game i had 1 LC termi left, my termi liby was down to his last wound and the SP termi was also still alive.


but man o man did they reap a hefty toll ;)

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Well i sort of promised id put a batrep now dident i? :(


my ork opponent ran the following:

big mek with shield

big mek with shokk attack gun

30 boyz with shootas, 3 big shootas, powerklaw, bosspole

30 boyz with sluggas, powerklaw, bosspole

19 shootas, 1 big shoota (think he dident have a nob because he lacked points)

3 killa kans with S8 AP1 weapons

10 lootas

1 deff dread with 2 burnas

5 burnas

a few gretchin with 3 kannons

10 kommandos with 2 burnas

battlewagon with big shoota (the 19 shootas went here)

a few (like 6 or 7) normal bikers


and this was the board

with the ork setup


he had held the burnas, kommandos, bike and battlewagon in reserves. with the list that i had i was heavily outnumbered so had to make the best out of what i had! sadly the game started off very badly with all of my 9 blast from the firestorm only managing to blow up 1 ork ( :D save from the big mek shield....)


in my first turn i would get all but 1 AB and 1 assault squad. since i couldnt find a good drop zone for my army i decided to drop the drop pod in the centre of his 30 shoota boyz mob. i got a direct hit so we looked where he could land with the shortest possible distance travelled. my furioso popped smoke. My terminators beamed down and my 1st assault squad landed nimbly next to the big shoota boyz mob. from my deployment zone i flew up my speeder and drove my 1st AB up to the deff dread and got a huge penning hit. but he saved :(


my sniper scout squad had to walk in from the table edge but could charge the gretchin if i rolled a 6 for the terrain test, which i did and they wiped them out! not bad for a unit taken as filler right? ;)


my terminators charged the 3 killa kans and wrecked them, sadly lost 1 model to a kan. the assault squad also charged in and reduced the mob to 6 orks. CARNAGE!


not a bad turn 1 at all! but there were still plenty of orks left on the board!


ork first turn his kommandos, bikers and battlewagon showed up. the burnas were off doing something else. he basicly concentrated everything on my terminators, and they suffered from the huge amount of incoming hits. IIRC i lost 2 from shooting. the bastion with the big mek with force field disgorged the 30 slugga boyz who also walked up to my terminators. the deff dread killed off my AB. he charged my terminators and started tearing into my terminators. i still won combat though but the netire unit was down to 2 terminators+characters. the orks were still 17 strong :no:


oh dear (the one without its torso is the SP, PW+stormbolter=LCs and PF+stormbolter=TH+SS. abit unclear i know but i sadly dont got WYSIWYG models :(


on the right my 1st assault squad easily finished off the remaining 6 orks and consolidated towards the lootas. yea! we showed em!


my 2nd turn, the rest of my army comes in. 1st assault squad and furioso walk up and kill off the lootas. my 2nd assault squad uses the droppod to land near the terminators and sluggas and help the terminators to finish them off. my 2nd AB comes in and togethetr with the speeder shoots at the deff dread. again penetrates but AGAIN he passes his save(s) (if im not mistaken both penned even...) scouts shot at his bikers and killed one, but he passed the pinning test.


ork turn 2, burnas show up. i had consolidated with my termies and 2nd assault squad and they were in a nice line to be flamed.... which he did and he got this many hits.... yea wasent really that comfortable with the situation at this point but luckily only 1 assault marine bit the dust!


he then charged in with the burnas and lost 4. but he did put 1 wound on the liby. run little orky! run!


he shot his shokk attack gun at my 1st assault squad (he had placed the big mek behind the lootas but dident join him in the unit, so i couldnt touch him my previous turn...) and i opted to go to ground. ive seen that thing do some nasty things and dident want to lose an entire squad to it. it wasent needed however as i passed the 4+ cover save that i already had from beeing in cover....so uh....yay! shame they couldnt move next turn but i dont really mind. his kommandos took care off my scouts and my speeder was blown up by his deff dread


my 3rd turn i charged the battlewagon with my 1st assault squad and the terminators, as the meltaguns failed to do anything.... ended up exploding it with krak grenades. why HELLO there! the AB penned the deff dread again. and guess what? he saved again ( :) that forcefield is ANNOYING....) furioso walked up to the big mek and turned him into orkpaste (love bloodfists!)


his 3rd turn, he called a waaagh. his kommandos were running up half the field and charged the termies. the deff dread dident feel like playing anymore and walked up to the centre of the board. the shootas shot at the assault marines and charged them. when the smoke cleared the kommandos were running but had taken out my last TH/SS termi. combat with the shootas went pretty well but i did lose my priest and PF! i still won combat though and they stayed put. his bikers shot at my AB and wounded him once.


terminators consolidated after making the orks flee, in breathing distance of the orks! :-D


my 4th turn. the terminators charged in to aid the assault marines and whooped the orks badly! my 2nd assault squad jumped up to the deff dread, leveled their meltaguns and left it a smoking wreck (he FINALY failed that )PW%()% cover save from that blasted forcefield...man ive never seen such an annoying AV12 vehicle survive so much...) my furioso charged the bastion and with his bloodfists turned it into a ruin and my AB charged in the bikers and killed one.


his 4th turn. he dident feel like playing much, his burans fled but were still (barely) one the field. the managed to kill one more assault marine from my 1st assault squad but i passed the LD test. my biker killed off his biker and...he called the game. he only had his big mek left on the board and i still had plenty left to pop his last little tall bunker of his :D


fleeing kommandos

centre of the board


victory to the blood angels!

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